Ramadan, S. (2017). Directions of design solutions for Administration Buildings. International Design Journal, 7(3), 171-185. doi: 10.12816/0044134
Sahar Ezz EL Arab Ramadan. "Directions of design solutions for Administration Buildings". International Design Journal, 7, 3, 2017, 171-185. doi: 10.12816/0044134
Ramadan, S. (2017). 'Directions of design solutions for Administration Buildings', International Design Journal, 7(3), pp. 171-185. doi: 10.12816/0044134
Ramadan, S. Directions of design solutions for Administration Buildings. International Design Journal, 2017; 7(3): 171-185. doi: 10.12816/0044134
Directions of design solutions for Administration Buildings
Lecture, Decore department, Interior Architectural Section, Al Shorouk Academy
The administration buildings is a distinctive and important types of building classification Because of its importance stems from its areas , and the number of occupants ,whether from employees or public works intended for these buildings . The administration buildings deal with a large number of employees who differ in the scientific levels , between administrative staff ,reception staff, and staff performing specific tasks and think about each level individually , which is certainly reflected in the choice of the direction of the solution appropriate to design him , and found that through our study of administration buildings that trends in design solutions are divided into two grounds :First slit , design of the treatment of the building itself, whether this stretch horizontally or vertically ,Second, prong design which is directly related to the internal design is a direct reflections ,which leads us to study the appropriate administrative buildings projections that donot come out three patterns ,while open plan or closed or semi closed . The objective of this study that the administration buildings are classified among the buildings most dealing with furniture and office supplies , which depends on the distribution of a number of factors , which affects the architectural design of the building mainly ,and therefore there is a direct connection between the same treatment and treatment its horizontal plans . Problem: There are many administration building in Egypt , but we must ask ourselves this question ,Did the administration buildings in Egypt achieve the minimum required functional and utilitarian purposes required of them ? Aims: - Evaluate the design level of the administration buildings through a detailed study from the historical point of view to know their patterns of development work in a manner that meets the requirements of the age and meet all of its functional needs . Methodology : This study is based on two main approaches , The first approach is a descriptive approach that relates to the historical facts about the establishment of administration buildings , the second approach is analytical approach based on analysis of the design bases of the administration buildings and then draw conclusion and recommendations that designers can benefit from it . Results: - The architectural product achieved by the function and beauty is the final outcomes of the design process, and the novelty is still between the initial giving of the form or the functions( functional activities ) , all this led to the thinking and diversity in the form of spaces for administration buildings and how to contact them . - The social relations in the administration buildings between the working people and the vacuum users are affected by the horizontal plans and nature of the connection of the internal spaces together . - Thinking about raising the efficiency of the administration building by thinking about ways of communication and communication within the spaces of the administration building . - The closed design of the internal spaces in the administration buildings is uncomfortable for the self and works in an atmosphere of monotony and doesn`t achieve good social communication between the staff .
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