Materials submitted to the Journal are subject to a "preliminary review" to observe scientific writing methodology and the observation of scientific research writing rules. The Editorial Board (reviewer committee) at this stage determines eligibility for refereeing and shall have the right to apologize for accepting publication without giving reasons.
Only innovative materials are accepted, and priority is given to experimental and field research work conducted recently.
Locally or internationally previously published work cannot be accepted
2- International refereeing
The author submits a study/research summary of 1 to 3 pages in English, written using Microsoft Word in a digital format (Softcopy) for International refereeing
A softcopy of the paper should be submitted by email to :
The abstract should clearly describe the problem, objectives, methodology and the main findings and recommendations.
Upon receiving the international referee approval, the author is asked to submit the full paper in either English or Arabic typed using Microsoft Word for local refereeing. APA Style or any standard citation method should be used all over the presented materials.
The author may be asked -if necessary- to submit figures or images with a high resolution (300 dpi should be enough). This can also be submitted to the journal email.
All types of work submitted should use a page setup of A4 size paper size 21 cm x 29.7 cm and 2.5 cm margins on each side of the page. Times New Roman font size 12 for Arabic text and size 11 for English text in black should also be employed. Arabic and English summaries are to be attached.
A hardcopy of the paper may be also handed in manually to the following address in case of difficulty in sending a softcopy by email:
Professor Ahmed W. Moustafa Editor of International Design Journal Faculty of Applied Arts – 5 Zewail Street " formerly Tharwat st. " Orman - Giza
3- Local refereeing processes
All materials submitted to the Journal for scientific arbitration -before publication in the Journal- are subject to an arbitral tribunal composed of two members of the scientific committees for the promotion of the Supreme Council of Universities SCU each in his specialty and also a third arbitrator from outside Egypt, to determine the validity of the research for publication.
In the case of the materials offered need minor or substantial changes, the editor sends the evaluation sheet with any notes from the referee to the author for correction or reply.
If the work is not acceptable for publication by the arbitral tribunal The editor sends a letter of apology.
All materials offered to the journal will not be returned to their owners published or not.
The paper is published upon receiving the intellectual property consent signed by all authors (consent)
Upon arrival, after the amendment to the editor, the article will be included in the waiting list for the printing process, and the researcher receives a letter of acceptance waiting for the issue of the Journal to appear.
The number of pages of a paper should not exceed (15) page including all attachments, and summaries. Additional fee for each page may be asked for.