Rezk, E., Ibrahim, T. (2017). The Design of Evening Wear for Early Adolescent Girls (12 to 15 years). International Design Journal, 7(3), 37-43. doi: 10.12816/0044121
Enas Hamdy Abd-elmaksod Rezk; Tofaha Mosa Abd El-Hammed Ibrahim. "The Design of Evening Wear for Early Adolescent Girls (12 to 15 years)". International Design Journal, 7, 3, 2017, 37-43. doi: 10.12816/0044121
Rezk, E., Ibrahim, T. (2017). 'The Design of Evening Wear for Early Adolescent Girls (12 to 15 years)', International Design Journal, 7(3), pp. 37-43. doi: 10.12816/0044121
Rezk, E., Ibrahim, T. The Design of Evening Wear for Early Adolescent Girls (12 to 15 years). International Design Journal, 2017; 7(3): 37-43. doi: 10.12816/0044121
The Design of Evening Wear for Early Adolescent Girls (12 to 15 years)
1Department of Clothing and Textile, Department of Home Economics, Faculty of Home Economics, Al-Azhar University
2Department of Clothing and Textile, Faculty of Specific Education, Minia Universit
The stage of early adolescence is taken into consideration by researchers because it has physiological and psychological changes because of its interaction environmental and innate factors and other general factors which are common between people of the same age and gender. Clothes for teenage stage is one of the most important factors of fulfilling the emotional and social needs because a teenager gives great interest to his appearance and everything related to it. Also clothes have a direct effect on teenagers’ temper and give them self-confidence if they are similar to their group. There are few researches about teenagers’ clothes which need certain patterns of designs which fulfill the critical physiological and psychological needs for this stage. A survey based on mothers’ opinions about if the clothes in markets now fit the girls at that stage showed that there are few clothes that fit girls at that stage in addition to a difficulty to find suitable sizes that fit the differences in girls’ bodies. The problem is the Possibility of Designing Evening Wear for Early Adolescence Girls. The Aim : is to provide evening wear designs for girls at early adolescence stage which fulfill their physiological, psychological and social needs. Research Results: The designs that are more fashionable were approved by spectators and the age group, the research made for. Also that age group and the spectators had a disagreement when evaluating the designs in general as they preferred certain colors and materials.
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