Shafee, W. (2017). The effect of simulating traditional costume images in the development of innovative capabilities for contemporary fashion design. International Design Journal, 7(4), 307-314. doi: 10.12816/0044497
Wafa H. Shafee. "The effect of simulating traditional costume images in the development of innovative capabilities for contemporary fashion design". International Design Journal, 7, 4, 2017, 307-314. doi: 10.12816/0044497
Shafee, W. (2017). 'The effect of simulating traditional costume images in the development of innovative capabilities for contemporary fashion design', International Design Journal, 7(4), pp. 307-314. doi: 10.12816/0044497
Shafee, W. The effect of simulating traditional costume images in the development of innovative capabilities for contemporary fashion design. International Design Journal, 2017; 7(4): 307-314. doi: 10.12816/0044497
The effect of simulating traditional costume images in the development of innovative capabilities for contemporary fashion design
Associate Professor, Department of Fashion and Textile Design, Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University - Faculty of Arts and Design
Simulation is the art of imitating the visuals of the outside world and conveying its details and characteristics. Simulation is a source of enjoyment and enjoying the artwork is a mental and artistic experience. The practice of simulating distinctive works leads artists to creativity. This study is concerned with the use of simulations to draw traditional Saudi fashion designs and drive the intention of fashion designers to their aesthetic values. Moreover, to understand the traditional fashion beauty with the support of designer’s hands and eyes to develop their creativity ability in analysis, composition and employment to produce contemporary designs influenced by traditional designs. These designs should cope with the current trends and requirements to ensure the sustainability of traditional fashion aesthetic values. Especially, that traditional inspired designs are facing a limited spread because of the lack of evaluating their aesthetic aspects by fashion designers. These aesthetic aspects can be found in the novel design lines, decorative units, richness in decorating methods and materials, distinctive embroidery stitches which use coloured silk and metal threads. The reason behind the lack of evaluating their aesthetic aspects is the scarcity of finding genuine traditional Saudi clothing pieces. Therefore, we would like to take advantage of the available images in the archives of traditional Saudi fashion to embrace their characteristic and ensure their sustainability in contemporary fashion design. The research problem: 1 - How to direct the attention of students of fashion design towards the aesthetic values of traditional Saudi fashion and re-root their identity using fashion photographs? 2 – identifying the impact of simulated image drawings on the development of innovative capabilities to design contemporary costume inspired by the aesthetic values of traditional Saudi dress. Research goals: 1- Develop the precision in analysing the aesthetic values in traditional fashion by simulating their images. 2- Developing the innovative capabilities of contemporary fashion design inspired by the aesthetic values of traditional fashion using the simulation method of redrawing their images. Methodology: The study followed the semi-experimental approach. Results: The use of image simulation helps in preparing the learner to observe the fine details in the learning and inspiration sources. Moreover, it enhances the recognition of the aesthetic values in the traditional Saudi fashion. Consequentially, consolidate the identity of Saudi fashion among the students. The reproduction of images positively effects in developing the innovative thinking abilities to from contemporary designs inspired by traditional Saudi designs. This development in innovative thinking reflects on the three aspect of analysis then forming to employment. Representing innovative ideas could be a supportive aspect in sustaining the traditional identity of Saudi Fashion design.
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