Azmy, M., Gamal El Din, N., Qassem, L. (2017). Smart Digital Technologies in the Interactive Advertising Environment. International Design Journal, 7(2), 357-366. doi: 10.12816/0046581
Mohamed Ali Azmy; Nevin Ezzat Gamal El Din; Lamia Abdel Karim Qassem. "Smart Digital Technologies in the Interactive Advertising Environment". International Design Journal, 7, 2, 2017, 357-366. doi: 10.12816/0046581
Azmy, M., Gamal El Din, N., Qassem, L. (2017). 'Smart Digital Technologies in the Interactive Advertising Environment', International Design Journal, 7(2), pp. 357-366. doi: 10.12816/0046581
Azmy, M., Gamal El Din, N., Qassem, L. Smart Digital Technologies in the Interactive Advertising Environment. International Design Journal, 2017; 7(2): 357-366. doi: 10.12816/0046581
Smart Digital Technologies in the Interactive Advertising Environment
3Professor, Department of Advertising, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University,
Advertising uses technological means and with the development of these means, advertising develops directly and when the designer uses these modern methods, it gives him access to advertising messages and new design ideas to suit the nature of the recipient and achieve the requirements of the times, hence the problem of research, which can be summarized in how to benefit from the use of smart digital technology In activating aspects of the communication process in an interactive advertising environment? The research aims to provide more experience in the smart digital technology and benefit from it by attracting the attention of the recipient effectively, influencing the effectiveness of advertising communication in the event of the communication process and using new advertising ideas suited to the new age. An advertising model in an attempt to get acquainted with some smart digital technologies used in the field of interactive advertising design, and the study also concluded that smart digital technologies in interactive advertising add many factors affecting The recipient's mind and mind in a picture that not only chases the recipient and remains in his conscience, but also works to change the cognitive mental image that lies within him by creating an idea in his imagination that allows the recipient to be self-convinced of the changes that his senses perceive and that his imagination complements to achieve the greatest effect of benefit and effect (impact and self-effect).
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