Mohamed, A., Abdel-Gayed, Y., El-Naggar, A. (2017). A Proposed Program for the Development of Practical Skills of Art Education Students in Accessory Design. International Design Journal, 7(2), 275-285. doi: 10.12816/0046574
Amany Mohamed Shaker Mohamed; Youssef El-Sayed Abdel-Gayed; Ahmed Mohamed Madi El-Naggar. "A Proposed Program for the Development of Practical Skills of Art Education Students in Accessory Design". International Design Journal, 7, 2, 2017, 275-285. doi: 10.12816/0046574
Mohamed, A., Abdel-Gayed, Y., El-Naggar, A. (2017). 'A Proposed Program for the Development of Practical Skills of Art Education Students in Accessory Design', International Design Journal, 7(2), pp. 275-285. doi: 10.12816/0046574
Mohamed, A., Abdel-Gayed, Y., El-Naggar, A. A Proposed Program for the Development of Practical Skills of Art Education Students in Accessory Design. International Design Journal, 2017; 7(2): 275-285. doi: 10.12816/0046574
A Proposed Program for the Development of Practical Skills of Art Education Students in Accessory Design
1Professor of Textile, Department of Art Education, Faculty of Qualitative Education, Kafr El-Sheikh University
2Lecturer of Curricula and Teaching Methods, Faculty of Specific Education, Kafr El-Sheikh University
3Teacher of Art Education, Sidi Salem Educational Administration
Despite the technological advancement in the carpet industry and the diversity of its designs, oriental (handmade) carpets, with the charm that adds to the home, raises its value, the most requested despite the high price, especially since it is not affected by time factors, but its value increases with time. This type of wool is made from pure wool or cotton and silk, which makes it more resistant to moisture and spoilage. The price of its piece is determined by the size, number of knots per inch, and the craft quality of workmanship and design. The more accurate the drawing and it carries multiple details and many decades, the higher its material and aesthetic value as well.And uniforms supplements are luxuries that are added to improve and beautify the appearance, i.e. they are additions or pieces, whether they are costumes or accessories that highlight the model. They are more elegant and beautiful, influenced by several factors when designing them. The most important materials used in the production of the supplement and the function it will do and the general idea of the supplement model. The skill is to perform the work accurately and quickly, at the lowest costs, and skills of a developing nature grow through a series of practices directed using feedback and others, which are complex patterns of behavior highly organized and the best way to teach it is practice under the guidance and guidance of the teacher.The problem of this study is summarized in the weakness of the practical skills of art education students during the design of uniforms supplementation through manual carpet techniques, and this was evidenced by the exploratory experience and the personal interview of the teaching staff for students of art education, as it was found that there is a dearth of educational programs planned in this field, which allows Technical education students have a new professional field. Through the aesthetics of carpets and the contract used therein, the idea of the current research for the use of manual carpets in producing necklaces as supplements for women's attire came from the research problem can be formulated in the question - what is the benefit of a proposed program to develop practical skills for students of art education through designing uniforms in the style of manual carpets .The importance of this research is due to the production of a teaching program that helps in developing the technical, technical, and productive aspects of art education students, and may assist them in setting up small projects, thereby generating an economic return for them.The research aims to develop practical skills for art education students in carpet works through teaching the proposed program, as well as training art education students to make uniforms by making use of the technique of manual carpets.
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