Abdo, M., El-Adawy, M., El-Dessouki, H., Mohamed, R. (2017). Study the Aesthetic and Plastic Values of Color Element in Fashion design. International Design Journal, 7(1), 307-316. doi: 10.12816/0049429
Mohamed A. Abdo; Manal M. El-Adawy; Heba A. El-Dessouki; Riham R. Mohamed. "Study the Aesthetic and Plastic Values of Color Element in Fashion design". International Design Journal, 7, 1, 2017, 307-316. doi: 10.12816/0049429
Abdo, M., El-Adawy, M., El-Dessouki, H., Mohamed, R. (2017). 'Study the Aesthetic and Plastic Values of Color Element in Fashion design', International Design Journal, 7(1), pp. 307-316. doi: 10.12816/0049429
Abdo, M., El-Adawy, M., El-Dessouki, H., Mohamed, R. Study the Aesthetic and Plastic Values of Color Element in Fashion design. International Design Journal, 2017; 7(1): 307-316. doi: 10.12816/0049429
Study the Aesthetic and Plastic Values of Color Element in Fashion design
1Professor of Design, Art Education Department Faculty of Specific Education, Ain Shams University
2Professor of Design & Textile printing, Home Economics Department, Faculty of Specific Education, Fayoum University.
3Professor of Clothing & Textile, Home Economics Department, Faculty of Specific Education, Ain Shams University.
4Demonstrator at Home Economics Department Faculty of Specific Education, Fayoum University
Fashion is a great graphical character, and humanitarian art with relevant to life and society. Fashion design art is from Fine Arts, where the art elements and principles which centralize in the other fine arts. Fashion design is an independent art that it has objectives. It is an art work expresses about the emotional state of the designer, as the fashion designer should aware of everything facts around him and create innovative designs to his community which meet the needs of individuals for costumers.Fashion design expresses about the general concept of design, that it is the planning or an organization that fashion designer creation. The design is organize and coordinate components or internal parts of production and studies find the color element plays a key role within the design elements. Color has an its importance in fashion field, which is translated by raw materials, textile structure, dying and printing processes as well as it plays a visual role through distribute colorsareas in color schemes which help the designer to deliver his idea. Due to the importance of color element as scientific, artistic and his relation as an element of fashion design. Accordingly, the research problem in the next major question: what is the possibility of employing the aesthetic and plastic values of color element in fashion design field, and how can we develop advanced fashion designs that have a variety of artistic and aesthetic value? So the researchaim are: study of the color element to identify the multi-color schemes that contribute in Fine multi- formulations for color element, and take advantage from the multiple plastic formulations in the achievement of aesthetic and plastic values of the color element. Research Methodology: Study concluded descriptive, analytical , and experimental approach. Results: Unity of color scheme made in designs through the use of different and varied range of colors, but within chromatic scheme and one of the color scheme to achieve compatibility in the design. As well as using a set of color descended from one original, so diversity and unity achieved at the same time. Rhythm has achieved through the use of color variations, which achieves fast rhythm and given a sense of movement and vitality. Through the use of one tonal achieves a quiet rhythm. The use of chromatic ranging colors scheme in essence, class and saturation thus achieves motor communication. The colors movement in different direction and balance has enhance the color energies, as well as the use of integrated color scheme. And, it has the normal balance, or by repeating the color in more than space, achieving a beautiful and compatible rate in the distribution of color.Color has helped in confirming the demesne by variations in the colors values , we find that the dark color areas prevail amid a light-colored areas. The color prevailed amid the color which complements him. And small area prevails from specular color amid a large area of pale color. There is the most multifaceted color downtown least saturated color.Color has helped in determining the relationship between decorative unit with background and confirmed, fleshed it and guide its movement paths.
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