Helal, N. (2017). Ornamatics trend as an approach to achieve a contemporary national identity in interior design and furniture. International Design Journal, 7(1), 267-276. doi: 10.12816/0052321
Nermin Ahmed Sabry Helal. "Ornamatics trend as an approach to achieve a contemporary national identity in interior design and furniture". International Design Journal, 7, 1, 2017, 267-276. doi: 10.12816/0052321
Helal, N. (2017). 'Ornamatics trend as an approach to achieve a contemporary national identity in interior design and furniture', International Design Journal, 7(1), pp. 267-276. doi: 10.12816/0052321
Helal, N. Ornamatics trend as an approach to achieve a contemporary national identity in interior design and furniture. International Design Journal, 2017; 7(1): 267-276. doi: 10.12816/0052321
Ornamatics trend as an approach to achieve a contemporary national identity in interior design and furniture
Assistant Professor in Interior Design& Furniture Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University, Egypt
The decorative elements are considered from the first foundations which any art of arts is based on them, where the general morphological features of this art consist of them. These decorative elements are almost the same in all arts known to humanity, but the technique which those elements were treated by it differed from a civilization to another. The geometric motifs have emerged since prehistoric times, and also were used by the civilizations that flourished before Islam, but they didn't have the bigwig which became under the auspices of Islamic Art, that marked by the orientation towards the decorative beauty, and Geometric Islamic Motifs have become an essential element of its elements, particularly during the Mamluk period in Egypt. In light of the continuing attempts from time to another to revive the Egyptian civilizational heritage, in the recent a trend appeared in Interior Design and Furnishing for various architectural spaces which works on the mating between the past and the present, by providing the Islamic artistic inherited of Geometric Islamic Motifs (as an Egyptian origin) but in a contemporary gown. Research Problem:In the absence of the national identity in contemporary designing works, the research problem arose in its attempt to answer the following question: Is it possible that the Egyptian civilizational heritage be the basis and the starting point for a contemporary global design trend in the field of Interior Design& Furniture? Research Objective :The research aims to evoke and confirm the identity and originality in Interior Design& Furniture, and rediscover the aesthetics of our civilizational heritage through the formation of a new designing language based on a new vision of Geometric Islamic Motifs using high technology (either in Design or Implementation). Research Methodology:To achieve the research aim, the inductive method and the descriptive analytical method were followed. Research results: Through the research, some conclusions and recommendations have been reached that can be summarized as follows: - The importance of reviving the civilizational heritage through the development of modern trends in Interior Design& Furniture derived from the morphological features of our Egyptian civilizational heritage, and based on the utilization from the heritage aesthetics and the reformulation of its vocabularies from a contemporary formative perspective, in order to maintain the identity, and access to the uniqueness and excellence on the global scene. - Work to benefit from the scientific and technical progress of this age to enrich the internal architectural space with various design ideas.
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