Hasan, R. (2017). An educational unit on Brazilian embroidery for enhancing home economy students level of knowledge and skills. International Design Journal, 7(2), 87-96. doi: 10.12816/0046555
Ragaa Mostafa Mohammed Hasan. "An educational unit on Brazilian embroidery for enhancing home economy students level of knowledge and skills". International Design Journal, 7, 2, 2017, 87-96. doi: 10.12816/0046555
Hasan, R. (2017). 'An educational unit on Brazilian embroidery for enhancing home economy students level of knowledge and skills', International Design Journal, 7(2), pp. 87-96. doi: 10.12816/0046555
Hasan, R. An educational unit on Brazilian embroidery for enhancing home economy students level of knowledge and skills. International Design Journal, 2017; 7(2): 87-96. doi: 10.12816/0046555
An educational unit on Brazilian embroidery for enhancing home economy students level of knowledge and skills
Knitting is known as one of the old embroidery on clothes and furniture; it was used in the old civilization to decorate kings', and religions' men. Still embroidery clothes have their value and beauty specially if the embroidery was a handmade, and is made all over the cloth and furniture whether in men or woman wear with different designs. Designing, Embroidery and Crochet is a specialized course that is taught to the students of the 4th year dep., of Household Economic –Specific Education, Assiut University. This course is important due to its achievement and also due to the bad need of the department to develop the Embroidery design and crochet course. The researcher modernizes a suggested educational unit of the Brazilian Embroidery art which is different in its technique, execution method from the traditional Embroidery where as this Embroidery is made by different stitch and silk fiber. Throughout displaying previous researches and studies specialized in educational units and Brazilian Embroidery and throughout the knowledge of the researcher, she found only one research concerning the Brazilian Embroidery (Om Mohammed Raslan research -2015) " Technical possibilities of the Embroidery style ( Brazilian ) to enrich the field of clothes supplements. All the mentioned above encouraged the researcher to repair a new educational unit to improve the basic skills and knowledge specialized in the Brazilian embroidery in the curricula" Design, Embroidery, & Crochet" for the third year students- dept., of Household Economics, Faculty of Specific Education. Statement of the problems: 1-what is the suggested plan of an educational unit in Brazilian Embroidery Art? 2- What is the efficiency of a suggested educational unit on? A- Students' achievement for the included knowledge? B-Students' performance for the skills performance included it. Objectives:1- Establishing an educational unit in the Brazilian art of embroidery (Embodied) according to the educational foundations. 2- Measuring the extent of efficiency of the educational unit in students' achievement of knowledge and the skills performance included it. Methodology: The research followed the semi-experimental approach" Designing of the experimental variables" to recognize the effect of "Individual variables""Educational Unit' on the followed variables skillful and knowledge levels of students in of the research.
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