Assistant Professor Department of mass communication – communication College – University of Sharjah – U.A.E.
Communication and information revolution is one of the most important stages of historical development in the history of humanity, this revolution inspired major changes which have occurred in the media and advertising industry. This development led to a split of the media into two fields :A Traditional media: which includes newspapers, magazines, radio and television. B New media: which depends on the flow of information across the Web and mobile. And new media is the communicative process resulting from the merger of three important elements: Instrument used in transmitting and receiving (PC, mobile phone) Carrier mediator through which Exchange of information happens (networks) Multimedia (audio – movement – and interaction)and the show means of the new media offer the increase of diversity, growth and overlap with rapid technical development. Some of these include: interactive channels, the Internet, electronic journalism, forums, blogs, and personal, commercial, institutional sites, social networking sites, and interactive animated ads and email and then appearance of advertising through mobile phones and tablets. It is easy to think of graphic design in terms of academic and professional. When graphic design intended for a certain class of recipients via new media, it is consider one of the hardest types of design, where it should use all technology types in design (image, sound, movement and view). Technology has contributed in simplifying, facilitating and shortening the stages of production. The digital revolution leaded to tremendous revolution in graphic design for new media, so the production increased taking advantage of the most varied reception systems such as wireless devices. Problem:Graphic design is the cornerstone and one of the most important technical elements used in most modern media, yet it didn’t capture the attention of research and studies. Due to tight knowledge of some designers, the do not recognize the vital role of graphic designs on new media and some drifting with huge technical and technological development in the field of design and lack of awareness of the positive and negative aspects of advertising on modern media. They ignore many tools developed to visualize ideas and concepts to develop the creative abilities for the interest of communicative and marketing aspects of graphic designs on modern media and its role in influencing the recipient as reflected on the success of the advertisement.Objectives: Highlight the advantages of modern crossmedia graphic design. Graphic design plays an important role through modern media in the process of a cognition reminder for the recipient. Clarify the role of new media design experts to achieve quality and attract the attention of the recipient.Results:The importance of the commitment of the graphic designer with technical foundations for new crossmedia design and taking into account the clarity and accessibility to the recipient can even design innovation. New media have reshaped business map graphic design and communication in modern societies with their technological and interactive properties and its ability to deploy and access speed and interactivity, multimedia and inexpensiveness.The importance of taking advantage of modern technology and multimedia update ideas ad designed to attract the attention of the recipient or the browser and therefore more aware of advertising. The importance of the study of modern technological media properties and how to utilize them in delivering graphic design under the latest times. Access to the fact the importance of the role of modern crossmedia graphic design in motivating and update the human mind and interactive cognitive and communicative power of graphic design idea.
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