Alassiry, H., Ibrahim, A., Soliman, O. (2017). Innovating Designs Inspired by Asiri Wall Art “Qatt” to Enhance Women’s Dress Aesthetics. International Design Journal, 7(4), 449-459. doi: 10.12816/0044506
Hanan Faya Hassan Alassiry; Abir Ibrahim Abdel Hamid Ibrahim; Omaima Ahmed Abdullatif Soliman. "Innovating Designs Inspired by Asiri Wall Art “Qatt” to Enhance Women’s Dress Aesthetics". International Design Journal, 7, 4, 2017, 449-459. doi: 10.12816/0044506
Alassiry, H., Ibrahim, A., Soliman, O. (2017). 'Innovating Designs Inspired by Asiri Wall Art “Qatt” to Enhance Women’s Dress Aesthetics', International Design Journal, 7(4), pp. 449-459. doi: 10.12816/0044506
Alassiry, H., Ibrahim, A., Soliman, O. Innovating Designs Inspired by Asiri Wall Art “Qatt” to Enhance Women’s Dress Aesthetics. International Design Journal, 2017; 7(4): 449-459. doi: 10.12816/0044506
Innovating Designs Inspired by Asiri Wall Art “Qatt” to Enhance Women’s Dress Aesthetics
1Teaching Assistant in Department of Home Economics –Faculty of Sciences and Literature of Muhayil Asir - King Khalid University
2Associate Professor - Department of Clothing and Textiles - Faculty of Home Economics - King Abdul Aziz University – Jeddah
3Assistant Professor - Department of Clothing and Textiles - Faculty of Home Economics - King Abdul Aziz University - Jeddah
Keeping the heritage is the task of all, as it is an extension of the previous civilizations, and it is our duty to preserve it, as the public heritage is full of popular arts and the trappings which its vocabulary contains elements and design bases that reflects the previous life reality, so the Asiri house is one of the Saudi ancient HERITAGE, the most important feature of the southern region, because it contains the most important popular wall arts, that is the QATT art, as the Saudi Asiri woman used her house's walls to practice her arts and her artistic innovations in . the interest in QATT art starts to recede according the fast development that affect the Saudi society and culture, that leads the researcher to choose this kind of arts , which is considered one of the important wall arts in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and express the southern region, and as a source of inspiration in cloth design. the research problem and its objectives are summarized in: Identifying the origins and characteristics of the ASIRI art of the wall (QATT)-Studying and analysis of the elements and bases of the Asiri art of wall (QATT)-- Creating new decorative and structural for women's uniforms inspired from the ASIRI wall art (QATT) The importance of the research is highlighted in presenting the ASIRI fine arts in consolidation of the social characteristics of the Saudi society, and that it is an important factor in attracting tourists and stimulating tourism through introducing it in fashion industry, also the importance of highlighting the artistic values of the QATT art to be a source of designing clothes that achieving the aesthetic, structural and decorative aspects, and also spreading the heritage culture and concepts locally and nationally, which contributes in preserving , developing and managing it. The research followed the analytical descriptive approach in addition to the applied study through analyzing and studying the wall art of Asiri QATT, and rephrasing AND inspiring its vocabulary to enrich the aesthetics of women's clothing. The research tools consisted of two questionnaires to identify the opinions of the sample RESEARCH of specialists in the field of clothing and textile, their numbers were (10)cases, and a group of women between ages of (20-30)which are of 60 cases in the design proposals inspired by the QATT art in ASIR region south of Saudi Arabia . (10Proposed(10) designs inspired by the decoration of the QATT art have been presented , of which 2 designs has been executed with the trappings of QATT art, while have been adapted ,keeping its traditional style , using various raw materials, cloth, ribbons , using machine embroidery, the ABELIC style, and another different styles. The results of the research showed that there are statistically significant differences at the level of (0,05) among the ten designs implemented by the researcher according to specialists' opinions in the proposed designs in achieving the aesthetic and functional aspect and that these differences came in favor of the sixth design, also there are significant differences at the level of (0,05) among the ten proposed designs by the researcher according to the views of women in the suitability of designs to achieving the aesthetic side, and that these differences came in favor of the sixth design. While the differences in the opinions of women at the level of (0, 05) among the ten proposed designs in achieving the functional aspect in favor of the fourth design, so we can conclude that the fourth design functionally achieved the proportion in terms of color with the age range (20-30 years), also the design also fits the modern fashion trends and is designed to be a product that can be applied and marketed and can be worn in different color combinations. The research recommended the importance of studying the heritage and its contents because it is of great importance that stimulates the taste and preservation of traditional art as it is a rich source that can contribute in enriching the design of cloth and fashion using the means of modern technology while preserving the spirit of heritage art.
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