AbdulRazzaq, H., Dawood, H. (2017). Abstraction Mechanisms in Interior Design. International Design Journal, 7(4), 359-365. doi: 10.12816/0044502
Harith Asaad AbdulRazzaq; Hassanen Sabah Dawood. "Abstraction Mechanisms in Interior Design". International Design Journal, 7, 4, 2017, 359-365. doi: 10.12816/0044502
AbdulRazzaq, H., Dawood, H. (2017). 'Abstraction Mechanisms in Interior Design', International Design Journal, 7(4), pp. 359-365. doi: 10.12816/0044502
AbdulRazzaq, H., Dawood, H. Abstraction Mechanisms in Interior Design. International Design Journal, 2017; 7(4): 359-365. doi: 10.12816/0044502
1University of Baghdad- College of Fine Arts, Department of Interior Design, harith.asaad@cofarts.uobaghdad.edu.iq
2University of Baghdad- College of Fine Arts, Department of Interior Design
Abstraction in interior design has drawn the attention of theoreticians, critics and those specialized in the field of interior design. This has been evinced in their theoretical and practical works which show that interior space is a language and a means of communication with the receiver. Therefore, designer attached special importance to the generation and conveyance of the meaning intended by Abstraction, while theoreticians and critics in this field provided many interpretations in their attempts to discover or come close to discovering the meanings involved, thus the interlocution of language between receivers and forms in interior design. Research problem: Abstraction as a general concept in interior design as a process of surface removal and decoration of the design in order to reach the reference basis of forms. It dominates the world of interior design and fashion, which comes into the formation of its formations and in a steady and rapid manner manifestations and decorative ornamental images exaggerated to the point of fabricating. Abstraction is not have one of the most unpopular concepts in the theories of architecture and interior design Because of misconceptions about abstraction he opposes complexity and contradiction in our world , We deny that it is the result of greater historical and cultural forces. Research aim: Detection of formulate and mechanisms of active abstraction in the visible language of interior space. Results: 1- Abstraction in terms of design idea for configurable configuration and its embodiment in the interior space have a role to play in revitalizing the interior design and the community concerned and to guide it towards intellectual and physical renewal and change aesthetic standards according to the scientific and technical developments of the era. 2- Through abstraction we can limit the use of materials in interior design, and the orientation to the spiritual meaning of materials, So that we can find a fertile ground for development, without losing contact with the history of interior projects.3- Abstraction is one of the most important concepts of design products for interior spaces with creative productions, because it the concept provides aesthetic and functional values and it is one of the best means to convey meanings which the designer puts and influence, persuasion, clarification and exaggeration of meaning. 4- Abstraction is one of the most effective forms of overcoming the challenge who faces the creative and artistic side of the interior designer, by calling for the opening of the Fund of rigor and stagnation in the sense, and enable the user to internal spaces of the pluralism of the interpretation of formal formations which come across in interior space.5- Distinguish abstraction, as an important means of achieving communication and continuity of history and making forms and meanings, which constitute new forms characterized by non-interruption on modern designs and reshaping the old within new formulations express the visible language of modern interior spaces.
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