Salama, D. (2017). A training program for the elevation of the efficiency of females in re-tuning ready-made Skirt. International Design Journal, 7(4), 333-341. doi: 10.12816/0044499
Doaa Nabil Ali Salama. "A training program for the elevation of the efficiency of females in re-tuning ready-made Skirt". International Design Journal, 7, 4, 2017, 333-341. doi: 10.12816/0044499
Salama, D. (2017). 'A training program for the elevation of the efficiency of females in re-tuning ready-made Skirt', International Design Journal, 7(4), pp. 333-341. doi: 10.12816/0044499
Salama, D. A training program for the elevation of the efficiency of females in re-tuning ready-made Skirt. International Design Journal, 2017; 7(4): 333-341. doi: 10.12816/0044499
A training program for the elevation of the efficiency of females in re-tuning ready-made Skirt
Lecturer, Clothing and Textiles - Department of Home Economics - Faculty of Specific Education - Minia University
Human resources are considered one of the elements of the social and economic process, as studies and researches concentrate on the necessity of activating the human cadres through good planning, grasping variables, matching the administrative systems and the qualifications programs with the requirements of the development. Human resources development is a series of actions and foundations aimed at organizing individuals to get the maximum benefit from human competencies and extract their best potential, and is an input to achieve the process of comprehensive development. Universities and educational institutions are undoubtedly considered the backbone of any process for the comprehensive development all over the state, as they are greatly concerned with developing the trained human resources to take part in pushing the wheel of progress. That's why the researcher did her best to prepare a training program to raise the competency of women in re-tuning the ready- made skirt. The problem of the research: The problem of the research is summarised in the following inquiries: 1- What are the scientific bases of training to provide girls with skills and knowledge that are necessary to re-tune the ready- made skirt? 2- What are the components of the training program? 3- In what way is this program vital to provide with the basic knowledge necessary to re-tune the ready- made skirt? 4- In what way is this program vital to provide with the basic skills necessary to re-tune the ready- made skirt? The aim of the research: 1. Determine the effectiveness of the training program in providing the knowledge and skills needed to reset the ready-made font. 2 - Training and development of human resources to meet the needs of the community and adapt to its development. 3 - preparing and training women to provide them with skills required by the labor market. 4- Raising competitiveness in the local and foreign labour markets. The Methodology of the research: This research followed the experimental method due to its suitability in achieving the goals of the research and checking it's hypotheses. Results: 1- There are statistically significant differences between the average trainees of the training program before and after the training in favour of the post application. 2 - There are statistically significant differences between the average trainees in the knowledge acquired before and after the training for the application of the post, and fall under this hypothesis Sub-assumptions: "2a." There are statistically significant differences between the average trainees in the knowledge of modifying the forward model before and after training in favour of the post application. "2 - b" There are statistically significant differences between the average trainees in the knowledge of modifying the model of the successor before and after the training in favour of the post application. 3 - There are statistically significant differences between the average trainees in the skills acquired before and after the training in favour of the post-application, and fall under this hypothesis Sub-assumptions: "3a." There are statistically significant differences between the average trainees in the skills in modifying the forward model before and after the training for the post application. "3 - B" There are statistically significant differences between the average trainees in the skills to modify the model of the successor before and after the training in favour of the post application. 1 - Continuation of training operations and regular organization to meet the rapid changes in the garment industry. 2 - Follow the global trends to take advantage of modern information technology in the training process for the development of human resources. 3 - Openness to the developed world through the presence of experts to give lectures or meetings with groups of workers to inform them of modern methods of training. 4 - Emphasize the role of universities and higher institutes in the service of society to urge them to conduct research and studies on state institutions.
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