Alajaji, T., Alqudairi, T. (2017). Recycling of Cloth leftovers for use in Fashion Design and Decoration. International Design Journal, 7(4), 231-236. doi: 10.12816/0044489
Tahani Nassar Alajaji; Tahani Abdullah Alqudairi. "Recycling of Cloth leftovers for use in Fashion Design and Decoration". International Design Journal, 7, 4, 2017, 231-236. doi: 10.12816/0044489
Alajaji, T., Alqudairi, T. (2017). 'Recycling of Cloth leftovers for use in Fashion Design and Decoration', International Design Journal, 7(4), pp. 231-236. doi: 10.12816/0044489
Alajaji, T., Alqudairi, T. Recycling of Cloth leftovers for use in Fashion Design and Decoration. International Design Journal, 2017; 7(4): 231-236. doi: 10.12816/0044489
Recycling of Cloth leftovers for use in Fashion Design and Decoration
1Associate professor of fashion history and embroidery, Department of Fashion Design and Fabrics, College of Arts and Design, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University
2Assistant professor of fashion design and implementation , Department of Fashion Design and Fabrics, College of Arts and Design, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University
The aim of this paper is to exploit unwanted cloth and textiles for the purpose of fashion design and decoration through the process of recycle and reuse. The paper followed the experimental approach and implemented various styles and tools in collecting the database. The approach included the creativity benchmark in fashion design and decoration, a training course and a bench test to insure the application of the benchmark. The study sample consisted of 75 students of fashion design in the college of Art and Design. The findings of the study showed statistical difference in students’ average scores before and after the bench test. The numbers also indicate increasing levels of creativity among participants. The paper concludes with a recommendation to raise the public’s awareness in regards to reusing extra or unwanted cloth and textiles for economic as well as environmental purposes.
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