Nour, Y., Bakr, A., Emam, M. (2017). Environmental and Human Standards For Interior Design Of Underground Buildings. International Design Journal, 7(4), 203-219. doi: 10.12816/0044488
Yassmine Mohamed Sayed Nour; Abdulrahman Mohammed Bakr; Mohamed Hassan Emam. "Environmental and Human Standards For Interior Design Of Underground Buildings". International Design Journal, 7, 4, 2017, 203-219. doi: 10.12816/0044488
Nour, Y., Bakr, A., Emam, M. (2017). 'Environmental and Human Standards For Interior Design Of Underground Buildings', International Design Journal, 7(4), pp. 203-219. doi: 10.12816/0044488
Nour, Y., Bakr, A., Emam, M. Environmental and Human Standards For Interior Design Of Underground Buildings. International Design Journal, 2017; 7(4): 203-219. doi: 10.12816/0044488
Environmental and Human Standards For Interior Design Of Underground Buildings
1Demonstrator in interior design and furniture department- Faculty of Applied Arts- Helwan University
2Environmental Design Professor , Department of Interior Design and Furniture - Faculty of Applied Arts Helwan University
3Professor of Interior Design & Furniture- Faculty of Applied Arts- Helwan University
The environment is all that surrounds man, and it is the framework in which he exercises his various activities. And the basis of life as God created are the plants that cover the land and water, which covers the seas, rivers and oceans; as well as the hills and mountains that God has created human caves inhabited. If we look at what we do, we will find that during our progression; we caused severe damage to the surrounding environment. Hence the idea of return to underground developed. Thus, the subterranean architecture is the first solution that came true. Through experiments, human has found in the earth a safe and secure solution to many of the design problems.But ... What are the environmental and human standards for the interior design of these facilities?This is what we are looking for through this research. Research problem: As science and technology are accelerating at rates exceeding all that has been achieved in the history of man kind, the research problem can be formulated in the following two questions: Can our modern cities accommodate the increasing numbers of people at the beginning of the twenty-first century without compromising or adversely affecting the environment? - Are underground building an alternative to deal with some of the design problems suffered byhuman? What are the environmental criteria for the interior design of this architecture? Research Objectives: In order to deal with the problem of research and access to solutions that help the designer to avoid problems and negative effects. Finding an internal environmental system for underground building positively affect the functional performance of the internal space through environmental and human standards of interior design. Research Methodology: - Analytical approach. Results: Building under the surface of the earth enters into the environmental reactions of the built area as a result of direct contact with all the components of the surrounding environment. This may affect them negatively or may enrich their natural equilibrium cycles. By reaching the quality standards, sustainability principles and strategies, high levels of efficiency in the use of energy and water sources, appropriate use of land, site coordination and the use of environmentally compatible building materials to achieve the quality of the internal environment, maintenance and minimize the impacts of buildings throughout their life cycle and solid waste management achieving a sustainable, environmentally, economically and humanly sustainable underground building. Underground buildinghas different characteristics and properties that impose special design criteria based on the surrounding conditions to achieve climatic and environmental comfort to meet the design needs and requirements which include environmental, humanitarian, design considerations....... etc.
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