Hammouda, B., Mostafa, W., Abu Musa, E., Assem, H. (2017). The recent technology and its role in enriching the leather industries (the stationary). International Design Journal, 7(4), 195-200. doi: 10.21608/idj.2017.87022
Basma Mohammed Al-Sayed Hammouda; Walid Shaaban Mostafa; Ehab Fadel Abu Musa; Hisham Ahmed Assem. "The recent technology and its role in enriching the leather industries (the stationary)". International Design Journal, 7, 4, 2017, 195-200. doi: 10.21608/idj.2017.87022
Hammouda, B., Mostafa, W., Abu Musa, E., Assem, H. (2017). 'The recent technology and its role in enriching the leather industries (the stationary)', International Design Journal, 7(4), pp. 195-200. doi: 10.21608/idj.2017.87022
Hammouda, B., Mostafa, W., Abu Musa, E., Assem, H. The recent technology and its role in enriching the leather industries (the stationary). International Design Journal, 2017; 7(4): 195-200. doi: 10.21608/idj.2017.87022
The recent technology and its role in enriching the leather industries (the stationary)
1Department of Leather Industries - Faculty of Home Economics - Helwan University
2Professor of leather goods and head of the leather industries department - Faculty of Home Economics - Helwan University
3Professor of Fashion Design, Department of Clothing and Textiles, Faculty of Home Economics - Menoufia University
4Lecturer, Department of Clothing and Textiles, Faculty of Home Economics - Helwan University
Technology in general is the use of techniques to solve large problems and individual innovation in order to reach a result, a way to discover creations and help the person to satisfy his needs and increase his abilities, As well as the use of thought in the use of information and skills to reach the desired result and obtain, and in short, it means: the use of scientific knowledge in the best way and production and application to the service of human well-being.The leather industry is considered one of the most important industries on the global level in general and in the field of Egyptian industry in particular. God has given Egypt a long history and inherited in the field of tanning and leather industry in addition to the quality of Egyptian leather due to the mild climate in it, although Egypt does not take the ideal right in this industry With the availability of innovations and the hands of trained workers, Egypt will return to its first place.It is one of the technical foundations of our contemporary life where any technical work requires a design to achieve the ideal goal of this desired work. Research problem :-The research problem is summarized in the questions : What is the historical development of the office staff during the different ages according to usage? What tools and machines are used to manufacture the office kit? What are the problems and difficulties facing the design and production of the office kit and suggestions for solving it? What is the use of modern technology in the design and implementation of an office kit and its impact on the quality of the product? Objectives : Studying the historical development and raw materials and tools used in the work of the office kit. In addition to studying the effect of using modern technology in the design and implementation of office kit on product quality. Methodology : The research follows the descriptive approach and the experimental approach for their relevance to the subject of research to study the scientific methods and the modern technological methods. This is an industry that has disappeared from the eyes of the beholders. This is in addition to studying the field of some factories and companies producing the office staff and finding out the most important problems and difficulties facing those industries. Results : 1. The office set is of historical origin at the roots of history. Primitive man used many tools for engraving and codification. 2. The forms and components of the office set varied in time. 3. The study reached the components of the office kit and the names of its different parts. 4. The study dealt with the different methods of working the office kit in terms of design and modeling. 5. The study proved that the office kit goes through many stages of production to reach the final product. 6. The study showed the importance of using modern technology in the production of office equipment.
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