Assistant Professor at Interior Design and Furniture Department – Faculty of Applied Arts – Helwan University
The speculator of the "Dynamic" term has to find clear assets for it in the universe, in the sequence of the different life rhythms, and it is clarified in God creation in the movement of galaxies and the planet. The earth revolves around the sun to produce the four seasons, and day and night as a result of its spinning. The growth of living things in itself is a movement has a dynamic nature. Despite the oldness of the term "dynamic", it has been rediscovered as an applied reality to face the difficulties which are imposed by the life requirements. Hence, there have been many design trends aimed at addressing the changing human needs and the continuous thinking of finding design solutions to confront them so the “Dynamic Architecture” trend has been appeared.. The research questions: Is the traditional fixed furniture suitable with the dynamic spaces ? Or do they need dynamic furniture that interacts with and adapts to changing human requirements? So what is the dynamic furniture? What are its design Mechanisms? And what is its output? The research aims: to reachthe dynamic concept of the furniture design and the design Mechanisms to reach aesthetic and functional values additive to the residential furniture using the "dynamic movement " as a design entrance to discover an innovative design which is characterized by vitality and the interaction within the internal spaces. The importance of this research is that it deals with one of the most important elements to human which is dealt with continuously inside the dwell which is “The furniture”. It helps him to practice his activities within different spaces in a comfortable and appropriate manner , The research supposes that "The Dynamic Furniture" is a new creative perspective of the furniture units that is indispensable for its use in our time. It calls for the dynamic movement whether the movement is visual or mental resulting from the process of cognition. The research follows the analytical descriptive method to explore the elements of the research problem and analyze it and then draw the design solutions for it. Results: The idea of the " dynamic furniture" has been originated from ancient times and was used across different civilizations in a primitive manner to meet the diverse needs of man, but it has been rediscovered as an applied reality to face the difficulties of life. The concept of dynamism is at the heart of the design process. The design structure of the design is only dynamic lines and disintegrating transformations resulting in the final design. The dynamism includes movement and change over time, which is achieved either objectively in the visual field through movement, followed by the formal and functional transformation, or mentally through the process of perception. There is a relationship between the technological development and the realization of the dynamics of design as it provided the opportunity for designers to produce unlimited designs that are constantly evolving with the technology development.
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