Teama, N., Abdelfattah, G. (2018). Design elements and their application in domestic garments for hiding body flaws. International Design Journal, 8(1), 131-141. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86226
Naglaa M. Teama; Ghada S. Abdelfattah. "Design elements and their application in domestic garments for hiding body flaws". International Design Journal, 8, 1, 2018, 131-141. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86226
Teama, N., Abdelfattah, G. (2018). 'Design elements and their application in domestic garments for hiding body flaws', International Design Journal, 8(1), pp. 131-141. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86226
Teama, N., Abdelfattah, G. Design elements and their application in domestic garments for hiding body flaws. International Design Journal, 2018; 8(1): 131-141. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86226
Design elements and their application in domestic garments for hiding body flaws
1Assoc. Prof., Readymade Garments Dept., Faculty Of Applied Arts, Damietta University
2Associate Professor, Home Economics Dept., Faculty Of Specific Education., Benha University
The link between the arts and human life has made him constantly searching for suitable and innovative methods of expression, revealing new values that help him to push and develop the original values of distinctive and unique character, and can employ clothes to hide the defects of the body, whether obese or thin. Several previous studies have addressed the idea of creating decorative designs from basic design elements and employing them in women's clothing designs. The visual illusion of the design elements was also used to hide the body defects and improve the functional and aesthetic aspects of women's household clothing. Studies have recommended the use of decorative designs in women's clothing fabrics to enhance the functional and aesthetic aspects of women's household clothing and hide the body defects. The objective of this research is to use decorative designs derived from the basic design elements in the design of women's home clothes suitable for wearing during rest and used to hide the thinnest body. So as to meet the needs of the continuous market in the need for everything that is new and appropriate in household clothing. Body thinness is a defect of natural physical defects in which the body (neck, shoulders, chest, waist and buttocks) is usually small. Research Methodology: 1 - The research follows the descriptive approach by presenting the studies related to sources of inspiration and analysis of body defects. As well as the experimental approach through the survey of the views of both specialists and consumers in the recruitment of design elements in the designs of home clothes proposed to hide the defects of the body, and the implementation of a selection of designs proposed. Results: The results of the study indicate the success of design elements as an important source in the treatment of defects of thinness by attracting attention to the bright colors or borders or the difference between the shape and the ground and trends of lines and other so-called psychological deception and how to use them in changing the shape of the body and achieve the functional aspect and aesthetic. The study recommends adapting and developing household clothing by designing inspired from the design Elements so as to affect the form of clothing to suit and treat the slimmer or full body.Utilizing the design elements as a source of inspiration for the development of clothing models
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