Suleiman, H., Mahran, S. (2018). Egyptian Folkloric Trims in designing and producing Costumes of the Contemporary Women. International Design Journal, 8(2), 371-388. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86137
Hala Mohamed Mustafa Suleiman; Sara Ibrahim Mohamed Mahran. "Egyptian Folkloric Trims in designing and producing Costumes of the Contemporary Women". International Design Journal, 8, 2, 2018, 371-388. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86137
Suleiman, H., Mahran, S. (2018). 'Egyptian Folkloric Trims in designing and producing Costumes of the Contemporary Women', International Design Journal, 8(2), pp. 371-388. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86137
Suleiman, H., Mahran, S. Egyptian Folkloric Trims in designing and producing Costumes of the Contemporary Women. International Design Journal, 2018; 8(2): 371-388. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86137
Egyptian Folkloric Trims in designing and producing Costumes of the Contemporary Women
Teacher of Department of Clothing and Textiles College of Home Economics– Helwan University
In the early fifties there were many voices demanding attention to our folklore and studying it in a serious scientific way. A score of studies have been conducted in this regard. In addition a number of researchers were interested in folklore that received care and encouragement. This interest was a natural response to the study of folklore according to its presence at the social and national levels. Accordingly, studies were interested in folklore including all its folkloric arts, where there were many methods of reading the folkloric art from the creative point of view in the various arts. The art of fashion industry had a big share of the folkloric art. From this point of view, the two researchers used the trims of the Egyptian folklore in the design and production of Poncho for women, which is predominantly characterized with the Egyptian heritage in a contemporary way of nowadays fashion, and the use of raw materials (basic - assisting) and one of the methods of folkloric fashion trims, that is the method of "addition". The problem of the research is the possibility of using the trims, materials and methods of the Egyptian folklore to design and produce costumes for contemporary women and to consult the views of specialists and consumers regarding these designs. The objective of the research was to identify the decorative values and symbolic indications of the symbols, materials and methods used in the Egyptian folklore and attempt to employ them in the development of a collection of executed contemporary designs of women's fashion. The research followed the descriptive approach with analysis and application to answer the research questions and hypotheses. It was possible to employ the trims of the Egyptian folkloric heritage in designing and producing (10) executed designs inspired by some symbols of the Egyptian folk heritage (Hijab” Triangle”,- square - rectangle – diamond - hand palm - eye - zigzag line - the bride - the shape of the burqa) , and used raw materials such as (flax, chalky, mauri, artificial leather, chamois, automated embroidered Itamin), auxiliary materials such as (sequins, beads, embroidery threads, different shapes of metal accessories , plastic accessories, automatically embroidered Itamin strips, zigzag strips, Metal shingles , lobes , seashell buttons) and used the method of addition with basic and assisting materials and hand embroidery. The research concluded the following results: The positive opinions of specialists through the axes of the questionnaire (the folk heritage axis – the aesthetic and creative axis – the functional axis) towards the executed designs by research and positive views of consumers aged 25: 55 totaling 105 women.
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