Abd El-Salam, E. (2018). The effect of using Seams on the quality of sewing techniques of children’s clothing, executed with satin fabrics. International Design Journal, 8(2), 313-326. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85979
Engy Sabry Abd El-Kawy Abd El-Salam. "The effect of using Seams on the quality of sewing techniques of children’s clothing, executed with satin fabrics". International Design Journal, 8, 2, 2018, 313-326. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85979
Abd El-Salam, E. (2018). 'The effect of using Seams on the quality of sewing techniques of children’s clothing, executed with satin fabrics', International Design Journal, 8(2), pp. 313-326. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85979
Abd El-Salam, E. The effect of using Seams on the quality of sewing techniques of children’s clothing, executed with satin fabrics. International Design Journal, 2018; 8(2): 313-326. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85979
The effect of using Seams on the quality of sewing techniques of children’s clothing, executed with satin fabrics
Lecturer of clothes and textiles Home Economic Since, Faculty of Specific Education, Menoufia University Assistant professor of clothes and textile in education faculty –Najran University
This research aims to Detection of the effect of the difference of the Seams types (Plain Seam ‘SSa’, the French seam ‘SSae’ and The Lapped Seam ‘LSr’) on the quality of the implementation of the techniques of sewing children’s clothing for occasions in middle childhood executed with satin fabrics, and Determining the considerations to be taken in to considerate when using this Seams in implementation of the sewing techniques of children’s clothing, research methodology descriptive and experimental were used, (12) models (dress) were implemented. Each of the four sewing techniques (Gathers, Invert, Pleats and Circular) was implemented using the three Seams, A “Product Evaluation Card” was designed to assess the impact of the Seams type on the quality of the sewing techniques of implementing children's clothing from the point of view of specialists, The results showed that there are no statistically significant differences between the effects of the three Seams in the first category related to the effect of the Seam factors on the quality of the sewing techniques, This is due to the stabilization of the Seam factors and variables when the three Seams are executed, The results also indicated that (LSr) achieved a higher rate of impact of Seams on the functional and aesthetic aspects of the quality of the sewing techniques, both in terms of the functional and aesthetic purpose of the sewing techniques or the garment product, This is due to the nature and characteristics of the (LSr), which is suitable for the implementation of all types of design lines, and the high strength, which helps to increase the life span and bear them for frequent use, The nature of the (LSr) makes it possible to use it as an ornament, as well as not to cause wrinkles, the occurrence of eagles or loss of stitches or creams. The garment products, which are carried out using (LSr), are suitable for double-face wear and ensure the comfort, freedom of movement, and ease of care. The differences between the effect of the (SSae) and (SSa), however, did not indicate statistical significance with respect to the functional and aesthetic aspects, where the two seams were similar in characteristics, possibilities and the nature of implementation.
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