Elsmadissy, F. (2018). The technical and practical basis of design and implementation of three dimensional upholstery fabrics with double-faced ,double –design.. International Design Journal, 8(2), 229-240. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85968
Fathy Sobhy Hares Elsmadissy. "The technical and practical basis of design and implementation of three dimensional upholstery fabrics with double-faced ,double –design.". International Design Journal, 8, 2, 2018, 229-240. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85968
Elsmadissy, F. (2018). 'The technical and practical basis of design and implementation of three dimensional upholstery fabrics with double-faced ,double –design.', International Design Journal, 8(2), pp. 229-240. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85968
Elsmadissy, F. The technical and practical basis of design and implementation of three dimensional upholstery fabrics with double-faced ,double –design.. International Design Journal, 2018; 8(2): 229-240. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85968
The technical and practical basis of design and implementation of three dimensional upholstery fabrics with double-faced ,double –design.
Spinning, Weaving and Knitting Dept ., Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University
The research aims at making the most of the growing experience of the Egyptian textile designer and the possibilities of specialized programs in the design of textiles in general and the upholstery fabrics especially, specifically the bedspreads by producing different designs for both surfaces of the woven and thus double the use of the brushes on any of them as if they were different. The research is designed to illustrate what is done in the production of cloth. Only double layers are designed with a single design for both the face and the back. It depends on the artist's experience and craftsmanship in showing the back of the design aesthetically close to the quality of the face. And also focuses on the possibility of design for the quality and methods that can be done by them, which have not been touched by any designer, both of which rely on the craftsmanship of the designer on the computer and its ability to link the design colors and textile structures Which compose it to suit the required situation. The technical ,practical basis and rules have been clarified . It also includes what is found in some specialized programs that can do this but as a tool that needs to understand and enable the designer who deals with the design and the introduction of the textile structures that serve that purpose. This products from three dimensional upholstery fabrics with double- faced ,two –design. consider adding to Egyptian textiles markets . Problem of the Study: Problem of the study lies in the following question: Can double-faced and double-design , three dimensional upholstery fabrics be produced? What technical , practical basis to achieve this? Aims of the study : 1- Produce a textile product with two designs for one face and one for the other side of the woven. 2 – Benefiting the upholstery fabrics designers and increase the quality for their products . Significance of the Study: 1- Contributing to the production of furniture fabrics with different designs of woven surface increases its aesthetic value and marketing. 2 - Setting rules and technical foundations for the production of these types of fabrics. Methodology of the Study: The study adopts descriptive and empirical method. Findings of the Study: 1- Putting the technical ,practical basis and Clarifying the operational methods and the applied rules for the design and executing a new qualities in Egyptian markets 2 - Production of Jacquard Upholstery fabrics three-dimensional two-face tow- design in addition to the Egyptian textile product can compete with the another products and put the Egyptian Upholstery fabrics in the forefront as innovative products and not imitations. 3 - The development of textile compositions for the production of these types of fabrics to be a guide for small designers
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