Alzanbgi, F., Da'abass, R. (2018). The design of ready made patterns for the production of conventional clothing in the holy Mecca region. International Design Journal, 8(2), 163-175. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85962
Fatimah Wassal Sewia'd Alzanbgi; Rania Mustafa Abdulaal Da'abass. "The design of ready made patterns for the production of conventional clothing in the holy Mecca region". International Design Journal, 8, 2, 2018, 163-175. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85962
Alzanbgi, F., Da'abass, R. (2018). 'The design of ready made patterns for the production of conventional clothing in the holy Mecca region', International Design Journal, 8(2), pp. 163-175. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85962
Alzanbgi, F., Da'abass, R. The design of ready made patterns for the production of conventional clothing in the holy Mecca region. International Design Journal, 2018; 8(2): 163-175. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85962
The design of ready made patterns for the production of conventional clothing in the holy Mecca region
1Fashion and Textiles Department, Home Economics College, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
2Professor at Fashion and Textiles Department, Home Economics College, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
The twentieth century has seen a massive information and technological revolution in electronics and computer science. Technology has been used across different sectors at a global level, which has contributed to the development of many industries. This includes the ready-made garments industry which has developed rapidly using modern methods and technologies. The most important stage that used technology and modern techniques is the modelling and implementation phase which is the basis of implementing the required design (Ibrahim, Mehran, 2016). Moreover, there are many computer systems that have been used as an assistive technology to the production of ready-made garments, whether in the pattern design stages - grading - layplan – cutting. Computers can be used to build and design any clothing pattern, saving it and modifying it when it is needed again (Ajlan, Al Shamrani, 2014). However, it has always been important to combine between modern technology and traditional design and patterns to reproduce the artistic heritage of different cultures and societies. In order to ensure its continuity and preservation, technology would ensure to pass on such designs and patterns, to future generations through the modern ways that they are able to deal with and understand. Problem Statement: 1) What is the possibility of designing commercial patterns product for some traditional garments in Makkah Region in Saudi Arabia? 2) What is the possibility of providing a high degree of adjustment to design commercial patterns? 3) How well has the sample been implemented using the designed commercial patterns? Objectives: To design commercial patterns of different sizes for some traditional garments in Makkah Region, Saudi Arabia and to produce traditional clothes with perfect tailoring through designing commercial patterns. Methodology: The researcher has taken the measurements of the designs and patterns of some traditional garments in Makkah Region, and analyzed how they can fit a standard-size mannequin. Moreover, the researcher also used the measurement results of this study to design commercial patterns of these fashion designs. Then the researcher will evaluate the executed samples and designed patterns, by working with specialists to verify the research objectives and its hypothesis by using: Estimation scale (for executed samples): it is the sample of some traditional garments which was drawn using the AccuMark software from Gerber Technology. This is followed by using constructed patterns to implement samples to ensure that the samples are adjusted. Lastly, the samples are presented to a number of specialists to evaluate the items of the scale that dealt with the samples'. Estimation scale (for designed patterns):it is converting designed patterns into commercial by adding grading, symbols and necessary data. Also, it includes implementing drawn patterns appendices such as the illustrative map and the covering. Then these commercial patterns are presented to a number of academic referees to evaluate the standard clauses dealing with the parts of the designed patterns, their accessories, their quality and suitability for use.
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