Abd- el Hakim, A. (2018). Materials synthesis method in the implementation of prayer carpets for the elderly. International Design Journal, 8(2), 103-114. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85956
Attiyat Ali Abd- el Hakim. "Materials synthesis method in the implementation of prayer carpets for the elderly". International Design Journal, 8, 2, 2018, 103-114. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85956
Abd- el Hakim, A. (2018). 'Materials synthesis method in the implementation of prayer carpets for the elderly', International Design Journal, 8(2), pp. 103-114. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85956
Abd- el Hakim, A. Materials synthesis method in the implementation of prayer carpets for the elderly. International Design Journal, 2018; 8(2): 103-114. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85956
Materials synthesis method in the implementation of prayer carpets for the elderly
Department of Home Economics Faculty of Specific Education Assuit University
Age is the stage in which the human is going through and is associated with a range of physical, mental and social gradual changes represented in general weakness in health, weakness in the senses, physical and sexual energy, along with poor attention, memory, emotional vulnerability and psychological sensitivity. These changes are irreversible, To the poor compatibility between him and the currency and social life in general and the aging does not indicate that the individual has lived longer life, but indicates that the person has reached the age of aging, which is characterized by changes in physical and psychological negative and described as weakness and decline and attenuation, The ages are as synonymous and point to the same meaning. However, the criteria for determining the age range varied, including age, biological age, psychological age and social age. There are many diseases that affect the elderly. Here we mention bone and joint diseases in particular, such as arthritis and stiffness Osteoporosis and rheumatism especially the back and lower extremities, where the thickness of the joints of the joints and the erosion and movement becomes painful, which generally affects the strength of the elderly in an abnormal adverse, and reduce the flexibility as the age of the age, which in turn makes the bone exposed and touch each other To the severe pain during knee contact with the earth during the performance of some daily tasks and the performance during the performance of one of the daily duties such as the imposition of prayer where the elderly feel very pain when touching the knee to the ground when prostrating, prompting the researcher to think about the work of prayer rug contribute to alleviate these pains during prostration And provides them with comfort and safety has been inspired by the idea of the work of those carpets of medical carpet laid in the markets currently and the researcher using the method of synthesis of raw materials in the work of those carpets, which were decorated with the decorations of Islamic art. Research problem: 1)What is the contribution of the proposed carpets to the welfare and safety of the elderly 2)What are the opinions of specialists in the proposed design of the prayer mat 3)What are the views of specialists and the elderly in the implemented pieces. Research Objectives: To create design proposals for a special prayer mat for elderly people suffering from joint and orthopedic problems that suit their functional conditions and contribute to relieving the pain during the treatment journey when the knee touches the ground while prostrating, providing comfort and safety and achieving the spiritual aspect of them. for the synthesis of raw materials used. research results: 1)The use of Islamic decorations in the work of inspired designs carried out in a way of mixing raw materials with a new self-vision 2)The method of synthesis of raw materials technical technique has a distinctive techniques that can be useful in the field of small industries. 3)Practical applications were characterized by a diversity of colors, designs and threads in the relationship of contrast between the shape and the ground to attract attention and highlight the decorative side in the style used. 4) Experimentation as an input can open up a new area that has not yet been discovered in the working methods using the techniques of the art of synthesis of raw materials, where it can be used in the production of a prayer rug carrying values of formality, color and utilitarian useful not only aesthetically but functionally.
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