Zayed, A., Mohamed, O., Ibrahim, F. (2018). The Utilization of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences In Industrial Design Teaching. International Design Journal, 8(3), 307-315. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85535
Ahmed M. Zayed; Osama Y. Mohamed; Fekry G. Ibrahim. "The Utilization of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences In Industrial Design Teaching". International Design Journal, 8, 3, 2018, 307-315. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85535
Zayed, A., Mohamed, O., Ibrahim, F. (2018). 'The Utilization of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences In Industrial Design Teaching', International Design Journal, 8(3), pp. 307-315. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85535
Zayed, A., Mohamed, O., Ibrahim, F. The Utilization of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences In Industrial Design Teaching. International Design Journal, 2018; 8(3): 307-315. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85535
The Utilization of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences In Industrial Design Teaching
The research focuses on using the theory of multiple intelligences in the design teaching process, through the knowledge of the multiple intelligences of students, and selection of learning styles, educational activities, and technology methods that suit the intelligence of students and the nature of each stage of the design process, resulting in students absorption of the contents of the courses offered in a better manner, thereby contributing to increase creativity in their work. The study focused on the importance of the theory of multiple intelligences as one of the most important theories of education that concerned on making the learner the main point of the process of education by focusing on discovering the multiple intelligences of students and use it in the process of education to turn the weaknesses of students to strengths, In addition to displaying the types of multiple intelligences, the methods and strategies of learning Which correspond to these intelligences, the stages of design and the skills required during each stage, the process of teaching design in the traditional way, andfinally, how to use the theory of multiple intelligences in the process of design education. The study concluded the importance of utilization the theory of multiple intelligences and applying it during different stages of the design teaching process, stressing the need to choose educational activities, technology and learning styles, which correspond to the multiple intelligences of students and the nature of provided information.
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