Al Zeky, S. (2018). University girls use social media sites in relation to assuming responsibility. International Design Journal, 8(3), 241-249. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85444
Shaimaa Mustafa Al Zeky. "University girls use social media sites in relation to assuming responsibility". International Design Journal, 8, 3, 2018, 241-249. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85444
Al Zeky, S. (2018). 'University girls use social media sites in relation to assuming responsibility', International Design Journal, 8(3), pp. 241-249. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85444
Al Zeky, S. University girls use social media sites in relation to assuming responsibility. International Design Journal, 2018; 8(3): 241-249. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85444
University girls use social media sites in relation to assuming responsibility
Lecturer, Family and Childhood Organizations Management Department, Faculty of Home Economics, Al Azhar University
The main aim of the research was to determine the nature of the relationship between the method of using university girls for social communication sites and to assume responsibility. The research problem is determined by revealing the nature of the relationship between the method of using university girls for social communication sites. The study sample consisted of (200) university girls of different economic and social levels. The sample was collected from Al Gharbia governorate in a targeted psoriasis method. The field application was implemented during September 2016. The research tool consisted of the general data form for university girls, For social networking sites, a questionnaire to take responsibility for the university girl (all prepared by the researcher).The main findings of the research:- There is a correlation between the method of using university girls to social networking sites and assume responsibility in their dimensions (bearing personal responsibility - bearing family responsibility - bearing educational responsibility).- The existence of a correlation between the method of using university girls to social networking sites and to assume responsibility in its dimensions and some variables of social and economic level (educational level of father and mother - the number of family members – monthly income). - The existence of statistically significant differences in the method of using university girls for social communication sites and assuming responsibility according to the nature of the study (theoretical-practical) for the benefit of the theoretical study "- for the work of mothers of university girls (working - do not work).- There is a statistically significant difference in the method of using university girls for social networking sites and their responsibility according to the "place of residence" in favor of the family's home.Some of the most important research recommendations:1. Establish controls for the use of social networking sites as required by Islamic law and customs and traditions by different institutions so as not to generate the so-called addiction, which represents the negative side of technology.2. Invest the technological progress by the Ministry of Higher Education in supporting the social networking sites favored by the students in holding a dialogue or discussing subjects under the supervision of the professor of the subject.3. Holding training sessions and guidance for users of social networking sites, especially girl by youth centers, increasing their ability to assume responsibility and self-reliance.4. To carry out awareness campaigns through TV programs for parents through the methods of education and proper care for their children during their life stages, in order to help them assume responsibility in all areas of life.
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