(2018). The elements of fashion design in attaining pregnant women's clothing functional requirements in the light of their preferences. International Design Journal, 8(3), 85-101. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85325
. "The elements of fashion design in attaining pregnant women's clothing functional requirements in the light of their preferences". International Design Journal, 8, 3, 2018, 85-101. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85325
(2018). 'The elements of fashion design in attaining pregnant women's clothing functional requirements in the light of their preferences', International Design Journal, 8(3), pp. 85-101. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85325
The elements of fashion design in attaining pregnant women's clothing functional requirements in the light of their preferences. International Design Journal, 2018; 8(3): 85-101. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85325
The elements of fashion design in attaining pregnant women's clothing functional requirements in the light of their preferences
Research problem; Pregnancy is one of the most challenging and changing physical and psychological stages of women's life. These changes have an impact on the psychological state and physical features, which can cause anxiety and low self-esteem with regard to the mental image seen by others. These effects increase in pregnancy, depending on the nature of the tasks of women in terms of being working or not, and their social nature and participation in different events. According to the analysis of the results of previous studies related to the proposal solutions to functional clothes for pregnant women, it is clear that: -Many studies have confirmed the occurrence of physical and psychological changes in pregnant women and their effect on their preference for clothing, (Barasa, 2016; Georgeta, Alexandra & Sabina, 2015; EL-Sabagh, Wafaa, 2008; E- Faramawey, Mona, 2006; Thabet, Randah, 2011; Bekhiet, Aleaa, 2013). These studies, however, did not indicate how the elements of design could be used to minimize the negative impact of these changes. Therefore, there was a need for clear criteria for designs and patterns of clothing commensurate with those changes. -Although some studies have confirmed the importance of providing functional clothing for pregnant women (Annette, 2001; Anand, 2012; Kilic, Tama & Ondogan, 2014; Longhurst, 2005; Srivasuva & Khatri, 2011), they were interested only in investigating the importance of achieving the functional requirements of pregnant women without indicating how to accomplish those requirements through the elements of clothes design. - Several studies have confirmed the importance of design elements for the clothing of pregnant women (Rodriguez, Anisimova, Ryan & Troynikov, 2017; Bukhari, Hanan & Al-Sarhan, 2010; Bukhari, Asmaa, 2009; Khafaji, Salia, 2011); they did not indicate how elements design leading to a garment product that meets the functional requirements of pregnant women.
Research questions: how design elements could be employed in achieving the functional requirements of pregnant women's clothing in the light of a range of relevant variables (age, pregnancy stage, body size, tallness)? The practical importance of research The practical importance of the research is to provide a range of proposed designs for pregnancy clothing in light of the criteria for employing elements of design, to identify the problems encountered in pregnancy clothes available in the market, and to determine their requirements of functional clothing in the light of the physical and psychological changes that occur during pregnancy. Research methodology The analytical descriptive method was used to analyze the results of the related studies. A questionnaire on the criteria of employing functioning women's clothing design elements for pregnancy women according to age, pregnancy stage, body size, and tallness, was established. The field study was carried out through the application of research tools and provide a set of designs proposed for the pregnancy clothes in light of the criteria of employing the design elements.
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