Michael, V. (2018). The Pharaonic sign “Ankh” between history and modern fashion. International Design Journal, 8(4), 371-386. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.84725
Vivian S. Michael. "The Pharaonic sign “Ankh” between history and modern fashion". International Design Journal, 8, 4, 2018, 371-386. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.84725
Michael, V. (2018). 'The Pharaonic sign “Ankh” between history and modern fashion', International Design Journal, 8(4), pp. 371-386. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.84725
Michael, V. The Pharaonic sign “Ankh” between history and modern fashion. International Design Journal, 2018; 8(4): 371-386. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.84725
The Pharaonic sign “Ankh” between history and modern fashion
Clothing and Textiles Department, Faculty of Home Economics, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt.
The Pharaonic era is one of the greatest and the oldest civilizations in the world. The ancient Egyptian arts are the product of that civilization whose origins were built on its long-established religious faith of the “Resurrection and Immortality”, which were closely linked to various aspects of the Egyptians' lives and ideas. From this point of view, the ancient Egyptian artist sought to embody these beliefs in most of his decorations and express them in a symbolic form, where he created an art that was characterized by the symbolic ornamental expression . The Hieroglyphic writing is the best example of symbolism in the ancient Egyptian life. The alphabet derives from the elements of the environment, more than a thousand common forms, of which about seven hundred symbols were represented in the drawings of objects such as the Nile Valley and its plants, the tools and machines, etc. The Pharaonic Ankh sign is one of the most famous religious symbols of the ancient Egyptians. It symbolizes divinity, resurrection, and immortality in eternal life. The first mantra in the ancient Egyptian creeds was presented by the Pharaonic god Thoth, the god of wisdom and knowledge to humans, First hieroglyphics. The Egyptians knew it to be a mascot of strength and protection from evil and harm and thus give eternal immortality. Therefore, many different civilizations were influenced by the Pharaonic sign Ankh, which spread throughout the world, so it has appeared on many ancient coins in Cyprus, Turkey and Asia Minor, and has been a symbol for more than 4,000 years. Also, it was a symbol of the Greek goddess Venus. The problem and objectives of this research can be formulated in: - The historical assets and the distinguishing features of the Pharaonic sign Ankh - The relationship between its shape and function of ancient Egyptian art - To highlight the aesthetic trends and decorative values of the Ankh tag in ancient Egyptian art. - The possibility of using the Ankh in some designs of evening dresses for women - The opinions of specialists, consumers and producers in the proposed designs - Implementation of some of the proposed designs that obtained highest results according the categories of arbitration. Conclusions:The research samples from specialists and consumers agreed that the designs could achieve the harmony and compatibility between the design and the adornments in age ranging (20: 45) and the sizes of (40: 48), which are in line with a large extent with the trends of fashion and the evening clothing for women. This reflects the success of the designs and their acceptance by the consumer category and their agreement to buy and wear these designs because they represent a new addition to this type of clothing. Also, its differences from what is available in the market in its design and style of decorating and achieving excellence and individuality of the wearer. They also agreed on the compatibility of the proposed materials and their colors with the trend of fashion to a large extent. In addition, the opinions of the producers about the proposed designs represent a new addition to the evening dresses for women in the market and also emphasized their suitability for the age, stage designed for them as well as their validity for production and marketing according the lack of such products in the market. In general, the results proved that the ancient Ankh Pharaonic sign enriches the design of evening clothes for women and is an effective source of inspiration and quotation. The researcher recommends the need to pay attention to the study of our ancient history of the various artistic and aesthetic visions that enrich the trends of contemporary design and stimulate the creative thinking of fashion designers by integrating the originality in contemporary fashion of Pharaonic style.
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