Al-Kareidis, N., Gawhar, E. (2018). The impact of the application of the “5s" system on the production of clothing in the region of Makkah, Saudi Arabia”. International Design Journal, 8(4), 361-368. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.84724
Nouf Ahmed Al-Kareidis; Emad El Din Sayed Gawhar. "The impact of the application of the “5s" system on the production of clothing in the region of Makkah, Saudi Arabia”". International Design Journal, 8, 4, 2018, 361-368. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.84724
Al-Kareidis, N., Gawhar, E. (2018). 'The impact of the application of the “5s" system on the production of clothing in the region of Makkah, Saudi Arabia”', International Design Journal, 8(4), pp. 361-368. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.84724
Al-Kareidis, N., Gawhar, E. The impact of the application of the “5s" system on the production of clothing in the region of Makkah, Saudi Arabia”. International Design Journal, 2018; 8(4): 361-368. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.84724
The impact of the application of the “5s" system on the production of clothing in the region of Makkah, Saudi Arabia”
1Master Program - Specialty of Clothing and Textile - Faculty of Home Economics - King Abdul-Aziz University.
2Professor at the Department of Clothing and Textile - Faculty of Home Economics - King Abdul-Aziz University.
This research has dealt with the 5S flexible manufacturing strategy with its five steps which is the philosophy of taking care of the workplace by organizing and cleaning it and applying it in the ready-made garment factories in Makkah Al-Mukaramah region in an attempt to promote the production of clothing with the required quality and quantity on a timely manner. The research followed the descriptive approach addressing the analytical study to answer the question of the research by using the research tools including the following: the field visits to the ready-made garment factories and the questionnaire form .Through the analysis of the results of the questionnaire we could determine the extent of the implementation of the 5S system including its five steps (Sorting – set in order - shining - Standardizing - training and sustainability). Objectives: Determination of the application of the 5s system within the ready-made garment factories in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Importance of the research:. Improving the work environment and optimizing the utilization of available resources and contributing in the advancement of the ready-made garment industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by improving the quality of products. Methodology: The research used the descriptive methodology and followed the analytical study with the aim to answer the question of the research.
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