Reeh, Z. (2018). The Employment of Sumerian Civilization Characteristics in Design of Women's Evening Wear. International Design Journal, 8(4), 281-291. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.84716
Zyad Awda Reeh. "The Employment of Sumerian Civilization Characteristics in Design of Women's Evening Wear". International Design Journal, 8, 4, 2018, 281-291. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.84716
Reeh, Z. (2018). 'The Employment of Sumerian Civilization Characteristics in Design of Women's Evening Wear', International Design Journal, 8(4), pp. 281-291. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.84716
Reeh, Z. The Employment of Sumerian Civilization Characteristics in Design of Women's Evening Wear. International Design Journal, 2018; 8(4): 281-291. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.84716
The Employment of Sumerian Civilization Characteristics in Design of Women's Evening Wear
Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Fine Arts, Babel University
The national identity of any people is formed out of many characteristics reflect their culture and civilization which distinguish those people and their cultural background from others in the humanitarian frame. The role of women evening fashion is to be used in certain time and occasions, similar to the other women fashion all over the globe. This fashion has specific design and detail that express the qualification and materialist side of any artistic product. Materially speaking, The women fashion has been exposed to the rapid and clear change without sequencing, and such a change can be seen clearly.As a result, women used the modern fashion &western products that belong to the European historical background, therefore women in our society, are captured to the western international designs and fashion, and away from its characteristic (Iraqi position) , we must not wait for the foreign designers to continue have taken from our civilization and then exported it to us again. Accordingly, the project aims at spotlighting the use of the Sumerian civilization characteristics in the women fashion design for evening related to modern life? Also, the paper reveals the Sumerian civilization characteristics, contains, symbols and how to use it in the women evening fashion, in order to certify to the Iraqi identification in the design of the modern women fashion. The research specify the women fashion for evening and also specify the Sumerian civilization characteristics to use it in the design of evening suits in the modern side. And specify the nomenclatures used in this project , that is usage , characteristics , fashions , Sumerian civilization , evening suit and modern also the researcher investigate the survey for the previous studies and theoretical works which is: the Sumerian fashion the modernSumerian fashion how it is ? and what is its characteristics? And materialist? The used colors ?and its subjects? Also the history is the main reference for design the fashion and how is considered as a treasure for the meanings which it can be used in the design of the modern fashion.
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