Harby, S. (2018). The technical specifications for the operation of women's handbag production line and their application at the Department of Leather Industries. International Design Journal, 8(4), 155-171. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.84692
Sahar Harby Mohamed Harby. "The technical specifications for the operation of women's handbag production line and their application at the Department of Leather Industries". International Design Journal, 8, 4, 2018, 155-171. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.84692
Harby, S. (2018). 'The technical specifications for the operation of women's handbag production line and their application at the Department of Leather Industries', International Design Journal, 8(4), pp. 155-171. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.84692
Harby, S. The technical specifications for the operation of women's handbag production line and their application at the Department of Leather Industries. International Design Journal, 2018; 8(4): 155-171. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.84692
The technical specifications for the operation of women's handbag production line and their application at the Department of Leather Industries
Assistant Professor, Department of Leather Industries Faculty of Home Economics - Helwan University
The research studies the following: establishing the scientific and technical foundations for women's handbag production line starting with the design process, then preparation of the models which is followed by many operating steps and ending with the sample intended to be produced, as well as the method of sequence of production processes including the selection of raw and auxiliary materials and operating steps, ,determining the shape of the production line including the type of its machines and deciding on the work details conducted during production, with the aim to apply it on the students of the fourth year at the Department of Leather Industries within its capacities. The problem of research can be formulated in the following questions: 1- What are the scientific foundations for the production line of women's handbags? 2- What are the capabilities of Leather Industries laboratory at the Department of Leather Industries to produce women's leather handbag? 3 - What is the possibility of operating the production line of women’s handbags by students of the Department of Leather Industries? 4 - What are the difficulties and technical problems facing the operation of the production line of women's handbag at the leather laboratory and how to overcome them? Objectives of the research: 1- Studying some production lines of women's leather handbags at leather bags factories. 2- Determining the capabilities of the Leather Industries laboratory at the Department of Leather Industries to produce women's handbags. 3 - Operating the production line of women's handbags at the Leather Industries laboratory by students of the Department of Leather Industries according to the correct scientific principles. 4- Suggesting solutions for the technical problems that may face the operation of the production line of women's handbags at the Leather Industries laboratory, at the Department of Leather Industries. Methodology of the research: The analytical descriptive approach and the semi-experimental approach. Results: The results of the research concluded the following: the students of the fourth year are capable of operating the production line of women's handbag and achieving the production of (18) women's handbags according to the department production system in accordance with the capabilities of the Leather Industries laboratory, at the Department of Leather Industries . Students’ opinions were positive regarding the operation of the production line of women's handbags that provides students with the scientific and technical foundations and that qualify them to work at factories. Meanwhile, students were able to identify the difficulties and technical problems they faced during the operation of the production line of women's handbags at the Leather Industries laboratory, at the Department of Leather Industries and suggesting proposals to solve these problems. The results of the research are consistent with most of the previous studies that indicated that the practical skills are important in providing the individual with the ability to perform business smoothly and easily, as well as increasing the level of mastery of performance and provide the individual with the tendency to work and enable them to expand the scope of their relationships with others. In addition, the acquisition of skills depends on several factors, as follows: maturity of the learner, teacher’s capabilities and experiences, concepts and performance required for training as well as the available capabilities, highlighting the value of practical skills and their benefit to the students, which, in turn, call on them to increase activity to acquire the skills, after their training on them in normal situations.
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