Assistant Professor, Department of Apparel Technology & Fashion, Faculty of Applied Arts, Benha University, Cairo, Egypt.
Clothes and under-wears have always been a fundamental issue for women throughout history; as they consider them to be an important element that expresses their personality and femininity. The main function of female under-wears; specifically bras; is to provide clothes with an aesthetical appearance, as they can effectively conceal some of the body flaws and positively re-shape it according to its different physical states; especially during the breastfeeding phase. Many breastfeeding mothers face the problem of inappropriate bras; this problem has many reasons including the inability to decide the right bra size because of the breast flabbiness caused by breastfeeding, also; in many cases; when mothers spend a lot of time working outside their homes, some of the milky liquid might leak through their bras and wet their clothes; which is very embarrassing; also; the mother often faces a constraining problem when feeding her baby, as she tries to hold it with one arm and feed it with the other, in addition to the annoying issue of putting her breast back inside the bra properly to maintain her decent feminine appearance. Problem of research can be defined in the following questions: - What are the bra types suitable for breastfeeding mothers, especially during their working hours or while spending a lot of time outside the house? - What are the appropriate bra designs that allow the mother to breastfeed her baby while outside the house? - How can the breastfeeding mother determines her right bra size; especially its cup? - Is it possible to make some alterations in the bra design to facilitate breastfeeding outside the house, and also to absorb the leaking milky liquid to stop it from wetting cloths and embarrass the mother? Objectives - Identifying the bra types suitable for breastfeeding mothers. - Providing a proposed method that helps the breastfeeding mother; who suffers from the changing size or flabbiness of her breast; to determine her right bra size, especially its cup. - Conduct some alterations in the bra design to facilitate breastfeeding outside the house and absorb the excess milky liquid. methodology: The research follows the analytical descriptive method to study the different types of bras; and the experimental method to propose a method that helps breastfeeding mothers; who suffers from breast size-changing and flabbiness; determine the right bra size for them; especially its cup; by creating bra designs with alterations and additional that facilitate breastfeeding outside the house and absorb the excess milky liquid. Conclusions: - The guidebook prepared by the researcher; to demonstrate the different types of bras suitable for breastfeeding mothers and how to determine the right size and choose the best design; has proven to be effective and has achieved its objectives. - The proposed design solutions for breastfeeding outside the house and to absorb the excess milky liquid; have proven to be efficient and practical in solving a consistent problem that faces the working mothers and those who spend a lot of time outside the house; by maintaining their feminine appearance without the need to give-up their babies’ natural feeding method
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