Qutp, M., Kamal, M., Said, M. (2019). The innovative process of printed advertisement and its role in enhancing sustainable development environmental pillar. International Design Journal, 9(3), 183-190. doi: 10.21608/idj.2019.82823
Maysoon Mohamed Qutp; Mostafa Kamal; Marwa Hassan Mohamed Said. "The innovative process of printed advertisement and its role in enhancing sustainable development environmental pillar". International Design Journal, 9, 3, 2019, 183-190. doi: 10.21608/idj.2019.82823
Qutp, M., Kamal, M., Said, M. (2019). 'The innovative process of printed advertisement and its role in enhancing sustainable development environmental pillar', International Design Journal, 9(3), pp. 183-190. doi: 10.21608/idj.2019.82823
Qutp, M., Kamal, M., Said, M. The innovative process of printed advertisement and its role in enhancing sustainable development environmental pillar. International Design Journal, 2019; 9(3): 183-190. doi: 10.21608/idj.2019.82823
The innovative process of printed advertisement and its role in enhancing sustainable development environmental pillar
1Professor of Design and Dean of the Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University
2Professor of Design, Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University
3Director of Technical Production Department, Ministry of Environment - Egypt
The innovative process is the cornerstone on which the effectiveness and success of the advertising publication depends, in terms of its ability to attract attention and interest, as well as its ability to achieve the desired aim and purpose. The concept of sustainable development can be achieved in the innovative process by following the methodology of nature simulation in design, the use of self-systems that help to achieve the functions of the innovative process, the use of the methodology of thinking that is compatible with the local system and the simulation of nature in the design tradition of natural forms and processes to solve design problems, The nature designer is inspired by the methods of taking advantage of ecosystems according to their own laws that ensure their sustainability. Thus, nature can be considered as a source of innovative process by devising new design criteria according to the regulations of natural environmental vocabulary. Therefore, it is natural that the creative process of advertising has a role in activating The Environmental Axis for Sustainable Development. The research problem: can be summed up in the following questions: -To what extent does the idea of advertising affect the creative process of advertising in achieving sustainable development? - To what extent does the environmental focus of sustainable development contribute to enriching the advertising concept of advertising? - What are the basic frameworks that define the course of the innovative process in the publication of the Declaration on the environmental axis of sustainable development? The aim of the research is to show the role of the innovative process in achieving sustainable development by studying the concept of sustainable development and identifying its axes, in order to enrich the advertising concept of advertising, and thus the reflection on the recipient and changing his behavior positively towards achieving sustainable development. The importance of research in trying to benefit from the environmental axis of sustainable development to enrich the creative process and the advertising idea of advertising, in order to consolidate the mental image of the recipient for sustainable development, and its reflection on the quality of life and conservation and sustainability of resources for current and future generations. Methodology: The research follows the inductive approach by collecting data and information in an attempt to identify the concept of sustainable development and its axes, followed by descriptive approach to analyze a range of advertising publications in an attempt to identify the role of the innovative process in sustainable development. Results: The study showed the effect of environmental axis of sustainable development on the creative process of advertising by enriching the advertising ideas to consolidate the concept of sustainable development of the recipient. The study also showed the basic frameworks for the innovative process of advertising publications of the environmental axis of sustainable development, and thus can discover new design dimensions and adopt new unprecedented methods in the innovative process that helps rethink in any vision or innovation in the axis of development strategies. The innovative process, by virtue of its aesthetic and functional dimensions, can offer solutions that lead to long-term improvements in social practices affecting the environment.
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