Soliman, R. (2019). Training of 4th year Home Economics students on different quality standards through Women's T-Shirt production line. International Design Journal, 9(4), 391-397. doi: 10.21608/idj.2019.82683
Rana Abbas Nafea Soliman. "Training of 4th year Home Economics students on different quality standards through Women's T-Shirt production line". International Design Journal, 9, 4, 2019, 391-397. doi: 10.21608/idj.2019.82683
Soliman, R. (2019). 'Training of 4th year Home Economics students on different quality standards through Women's T-Shirt production line', International Design Journal, 9(4), pp. 391-397. doi: 10.21608/idj.2019.82683
Soliman, R. Training of 4th year Home Economics students on different quality standards through Women's T-Shirt production line. International Design Journal, 2019; 9(4): 391-397. doi: 10.21608/idj.2019.82683
Training of 4th year Home Economics students on different quality standards through Women's T-Shirt production line
Lecturer, Home Economic Dept., Faculty of specific Education, Tanta University
Quality is one of the most important pillars on which institutions depend on improving their performance through the activity in which the institution works whether it is producing goods or providing services. It has become the primary function of the institutions, philosophy, management methodology and lifestyle to enable them to increase their competitiveness to survive in light of the successive changes affecting the world.The measure of quality achievement of any institution through its ability to produce products of appropriate quality at the lowest possible cost, and because the lack of attention to quality may lead to the destruction of the organization, and reduce its international participation in local and global markets and the dissatisfaction of its customers with its products, which imposes on educational institutions Specialized preparation of graduates commensurate with the labor market, which led to the training of some students of the fourth division of the Department of Home Economics, Faculty of Specific Education, Tanta University on the application of some different skills related to the quality of a piece of clothing through the production of women's T-shirt and work Questionnaire form to take the views of a number of arbitrators specializing in the quality of the production stages of samples consists of four main axes (The quality of individual fabric - the quality of shear operations - the quality of the stages of assembly - the quality of finishing processes), the title of the research was "Training the fourth year Students in the Department of Home Economics on different Quality Standards through the Production line of Women's T-Shirts" and determine the problem of research through what is the possibility of gaining. The research aims at how to apply the quality standards within the production lines, as well as to acquire some technical skills for the quantitative production of clothing, and the most important hypotheses of the research that there are statistically significant differences between the quality of the stages of production of samples produced by research, and the importance of research to benefit students from the application of quality standards in the labor market after graduation, and the research follows the experimental analytical method, and was The most important results of the research there are statistically significant differences between the opinions of the arbitrators on the quality of the production stages of the samples in research of the arbitrators in the quality of the production stages of samples where the fourth axis (the quality of finishing processes) got the highest rate with an average of 94% followed by the first axis (the quality of individual fabric) with an average of 90%, and the third axis (The quality of the stages of collection) at the lowest rate by an average of 79% The most important recommendations was the need to spread awareness of the importance of quality and standards and application in all institutions.
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