Hasanin, E. (2019). An Analytical Study of the Works of Salvador Dali as a Source of Inspiration for Modern Designs for Women Fashion. International Design Journal, 9(4), 145-153. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.82573
Elham Abdel Aziz Mohamed Hasanin. "An Analytical Study of the Works of Salvador Dali as a Source of Inspiration for Modern Designs for Women Fashion". International Design Journal, 9, 4, 2019, 145-153. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.82573
Hasanin, E. (2019). 'An Analytical Study of the Works of Salvador Dali as a Source of Inspiration for Modern Designs for Women Fashion', International Design Journal, 9(4), pp. 145-153. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.82573
Hasanin, E. An Analytical Study of the Works of Salvador Dali as a Source of Inspiration for Modern Designs for Women Fashion. International Design Journal, 2019; 9(4): 145-153. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.82573
An Analytical Study of the Works of Salvador Dali as a Source of Inspiration for Modern Designs for Women Fashion
Associate Professor, Fashion Design and Textile, Faculty of Designs and Applied Arts, Altaef University
Fashion designers' sources of inspiration and imitation are varied. The designer creates the ideas and tools and then modifies his them and molds them in a new form and this process continues to produce the cultures and civilizations about which history records over the ages. Salvador Dali is one of the most famous surrealist artists and a pioneer of the surrealist movement. He is one of the most prominent leaders of modern art for his artistic skills and media, which is dominated by imagination and the subconscious mind. The surrealist school which is known as the doctrine beyond realism and the world of dreams is only a trend that deals with the hidden side of human nature. Therefore, the works of the artist Salvador Dali is rich in details that can give the fashion designer and the field of design in general a new artistic value and develop it. The problem of research can be stated as how to create designs adapted from the works of the artist Salvador Dali, to what extent the aesthetic values of surrealist art can be enriched and employed in fashion design. The research aims to study the different types of paintings by the artist Salvador Dali, which reflects the surrealist art and the preparation of a variety of designs inspired by paintings and presented in a modern and distinctive stamp for women. The research hypothesizes that there are statistically significant differences between the designs produced in achieving the innovative and functional aspect of the design. The importance of research is due to the diversity of sources of imitation and the attempt for innovation and creativity. The research follows the descriptive, analytical and experimental approach. The most important results of the research are there are statistically significant differences between the raters' opinions on the implemented designs where design No. 5 was the best design with an average of 97.13% followed by design No. 6 with an average of 95.8% and design No. 7 got the lowest evaluations with an average of 75.83%. The most important recommendations were the need to give due attention to and the study of modern arts to benefit from them in the development of fashion industry in general.
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