Hassan, A. (2020). Symbolic sign in political literature and their impact on artwork (Case Study). International Design Journal, 10(1), 401-411. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81749
Awatef Hassan. "Symbolic sign in political literature and their impact on artwork (Case Study)". International Design Journal, 10, 1, 2020, 401-411. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81749
Hassan, A. (2020). 'Symbolic sign in political literature and their impact on artwork (Case Study)', International Design Journal, 10(1), pp. 401-411. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81749
Hassan, A. Symbolic sign in political literature and their impact on artwork (Case Study). International Design Journal, 2020; 10(1): 401-411. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81749
Symbolic sign in political literature and their impact on artwork (Case Study)
Department of Decoration, Faculty of Applied Arts- Helwan University
Arts in all its fields have affirmed the identity of people and the advancement of man through different historical eras. Those arts that have combined and intertwined and each of them have added to the other to confirm a state of positive interaction aimed at enriching reality. Aesthetic values between literary and plastic creativity are an effective factor in stimulating the energies and creativity of the artist. The aesthetic values in the literature relate to the art of writing and the effects in it, and then we can define the literature by saying, "Literature is the set of written effects in which the human mind manifests itself in creation or written art. It expresses thoughts and psychological feelings, and contributes to the battle of construction, and in this way it will be a loud picture of the lives of individuals and nations. We find the words, art and literature in the contemporary French philosopher, "Jacques Martin", a meaning that differs from what is commonly understood and brings me to them closer to the roots of their Greek origins, Jacques Martin is looking for something of greater importance and deeper meaning. Jacques Martin is searching for the emotional interaction between the inner self of a person and their external existence, Literature has a characteristic that all arts share and it serves as its source and latent spirit. Plato called it the "musician". Among the types of literature that have had a strong impact in the world of plastic art is political literature, as the political climate changes as time passes it affects all fields, especially plastic arts. A politically conscious artist is in harmony with the requirements of the age through his creative and intellectual role, which translates it into various visual forms, to become an observer of all intellectual, emotional, and ideological transformations around us. The problem: It lies in the extent to which symbolic significance in political literature affects artistic work. Significance: Identify the symbolic significance in political literature and Identifying the artistic works related to political literature. Objectives: The research aims to: Taking advantage of the symbolic significance in political literature in producing abstract expressive artworks. Methodology: The research follows the analytical method, through analyzing some plastic art works by Arab and foreign artists, then the experimental approach, by producing abstract expressive art works inspired by some poems.
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