Mansour, S., Ahmed, D. (2020). The Impact of Human Values on Islamic Architecture A Comparative study of Neighborhood rights and its impact on Islamic Architecture. International Design Journal, 10(1), 233-240. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81526
Samah Mansour; Dina Ahmed. "The Impact of Human Values on Islamic Architecture A Comparative study of Neighborhood rights and its impact on Islamic Architecture". International Design Journal, 10, 1, 2020, 233-240. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81526
Mansour, S., Ahmed, D. (2020). 'The Impact of Human Values on Islamic Architecture A Comparative study of Neighborhood rights and its impact on Islamic Architecture', International Design Journal, 10(1), pp. 233-240. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81526
Mansour, S., Ahmed, D. The Impact of Human Values on Islamic Architecture A Comparative study of Neighborhood rights and its impact on Islamic Architecture. International Design Journal, 2020; 10(1): 233-240. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81526
The Impact of Human Values on Islamic Architecture A Comparative study of Neighborhood rights and its impact on Islamic Architecture
1Lecturer at Architecture Department October Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology, 6th of October City
2Assistant Lecturer at October Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology, 6th of October City
Human values were reflected in Islamic architecture and among these important values were (the value of privacy - Neighborhood Rights - social solidarity - Moderation- Equity- Sincerity - Aesthetic values). Islam has paid great attention to Neighborhood Rights as they have a significant impact on Islamic creed. Persons and groups are in need to Neighborhood rights as a requirement of their daily lives. Islamic values have had a great impact in ascension of human relations and in achieving the security, safety and tranquility that Islam has been keen to establish among Muslims each other and among Muslims and other religions. Ibn Umar reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: “Gabriel impressed upon me (the kind treatment) towards the neighbor (so much) that I thought as if he would soon confer upon him the (right) of inheritance.” (Agreed upon).The architectural style in the Islamic city has been characterized that it is a material reflection of the human relations that Islam established hundreds years ago. This has led to form a strong and a coherent social base that reflects the cohesion of neighbors in a framework of good knowledge of the rights and duties emanating from the Islamic decree. Research Methodology: Monitoring and extrapolating the concepts of values and neighborhood rights and their types and the extent of the impact of the neighborhood rights on architectural formations in the Islamic ages by analyses the levels of realization of neighborhood rights in Islamic architecture.Research problem: The main problem of the research is the disappearance of human values that Islamic architecture was characterized by from the modern architecture, especially the rights of neighborhood. This has negatively affected the current architectural product, making it unsuitable for society. The research aims to monitor the rights of the neighborhood and the extent to which they are not applied in modern day architecture in practice and theoretically especially with modern regulations, laws and legislation. All these regulations have affected the Islamic architecture in Egypt this is to know the importance of human values that affect architecture, especially the rights of the neighborhood and the following Islamic human values, in order to benefit from them in contemporary architecture. conclusions: The concept of human values is a broad concept and has many directions where human values represent general and fundamental criteria in which members of society participate and contribute to the integration and identification of the behaviors of the individual within society. Human Values have affected Human as well as architecture and led to establishing a modern architecture which is environmentally compatible and coherent to the human through establishment of Islam principles. A surviving and mature building can be reached by studying the architectural heritage of Islamic architecture and learning about its philosophy and thought. Neighboring rights and privacy have a major role in Islamic architecture, especially Islamic residences. The rights of neighborhoods are the main value in the Islamic house which the building of this type of architecture is based on, as these buildings provide psychological comfort and a sense of tranquility. We also note the quest of the Muslim architect to achieve that value in Islamic architecture. The placement of wooden curtains to separate surfaces has a significant role in shrouding the containment of the buildings (to separate the roofs from each other) and to prepare the roofs for personal usage.
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