Jaffar, S., Abdel Mohsen, N., Al Gohary, O. (2020). Utilizing Sinai decorative geometric units to create aesthetically valued designs suitable for upholstery fabrics. International Design Journal, 10(1), 129-135. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81511
Swzan Jaffar; Nahla Abdel Mohsen; Omnia Abdel Rahman Al Gohary. "Utilizing Sinai decorative geometric units to create aesthetically valued designs suitable for upholstery fabrics". International Design Journal, 10, 1, 2020, 129-135. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81511
Jaffar, S., Abdel Mohsen, N., Al Gohary, O. (2020). 'Utilizing Sinai decorative geometric units to create aesthetically valued designs suitable for upholstery fabrics', International Design Journal, 10(1), pp. 129-135. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81511
Jaffar, S., Abdel Mohsen, N., Al Gohary, O. Utilizing Sinai decorative geometric units to create aesthetically valued designs suitable for upholstery fabrics. International Design Journal, 2020; 10(1): 129-135. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81511
Utilizing Sinai decorative geometric units to create aesthetically valued designs suitable for upholstery fabrics
1Professor of Textile, Weaving, Spinning and Knitting Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University.
2A. Professor of Textile, Weaving, Spinning and Knitting Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University.
3Postgraduate Student
Upholstery fabrics are very important for our live we can't dispense indoor and outdoor at the house .Upholstery fabrics includes many types of fabrics of different uses, Some of them are used in and furnishing inside houses, and what is used in hotels, restaurants and theaters. as well as Upholstery fabrics are an important role in giving elegance and beauty to the furniture with its different colors on the furniture in its various colors and drawings, where the aesthetics of furniture and various lines emerge and Upholstery fabrics are divided into (upholstery - curtains - beds and tables), Of different uses. The design of upholstery fabrics is a complex process of multiple variables as it is not only a treatment of the external form. But the product is treated starting from the quality of raw materials and count yarns and the rest of the structure. The design of the upholstery fabrics is related to the back decoration, furniture styles (modern-style), and the types of places (reception-bedroom-living), those variables are determined by the colors, materials and textile specifications used. For achieving upholstery fabrics quality design, creation, capacity increase and production rapidity, we used " Ned graphic for dobby pro." The advanced graphic capacities of the program allow the designer many experimentations altering and modifying several colors to reach the proper design with little effort within a minimal period of time. simulation of the textile product as a real product of the same color , material, threads thickness and suggested textile syntheses qualities before weaving is presented. The present research aims at designing and producing upholstery fabrics of Sinai ornaments to provide the design with originality and a historic dimension that help continuity and competitiveness, taking into account universal technological advances in the field of textiles for facing free economy and current market .
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