Abdul Ghaffar, H. (2020). Effectiveness of treating Cotton fabrics used in hospital bed covers with Arak water (Teeth cleaner) against bacteria. International Design Journal, 10(1), 473-478. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81502
Hind Abdul Ghaffar. "Effectiveness of treating Cotton fabrics used in hospital bed covers with Arak water (Teeth cleaner) against bacteria". International Design Journal, 10, 1, 2020, 473-478. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81502
Abdul Ghaffar, H. (2020). 'Effectiveness of treating Cotton fabrics used in hospital bed covers with Arak water (Teeth cleaner) against bacteria', International Design Journal, 10(1), pp. 473-478. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81502
Abdul Ghaffar, H. Effectiveness of treating Cotton fabrics used in hospital bed covers with Arak water (Teeth cleaner) against bacteria. International Design Journal, 2020; 10(1): 473-478. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81502
Effectiveness of treating Cotton fabrics used in hospital bed covers with Arak water (Teeth cleaner) against bacteria
Assistant Professor in Fashion and Textile Design, Faculty of Design and Applied Arts, Taif University
The fabrics used in the medical field have acquired great importance in recent times because they have been invaded by new and varied fields, due to the development of the accident in the field and the increasing interest in patient health and with technological and industrial progress and development. These fabrics have evolved and have multiple areas of use, and cotton fabrics used in medical fields are among the most important and best types Fabrics used in the medical field because of the advantages and characteristics of other types of fabrics, and in an attempt by the researcher to find some solutions to problems Which is found in the use of bedding fabrics inside hospitals, the most important of which is the presence of different types of harmful bacteria that are found on the surfaces of the bedding fabrics, and the research problem is clear through what is how to treat cotton fabrics with Arak water against bacteria, and also what is the effect of treatment with Arak water on cotton fabrics against bacteria The research aims to treat cotton fabrics used in hospital bed covers with Arak water against bacteria, by treating the plain cotton fabrics used in hospital bed covers with three Types of bacteria present in the atmosphere through three different concentrations of Arak water (10%, 20%, 30%). The research assumes that Arak water is effective in treating cotton fabrics against bacteria. The most important results of the research were the presence of a clear effect of Arak water on the bacteria used in the samples at a concentration of 30%, followed by a concentration of 20 on the area of the samples used and the lowest percentage of the treated samples was at a concentration of 10%.
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