Andraws, F. (2020). The role of art in applying urban design theories using design systems. International Design Journal, 10(1), 83-92. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81292
Feby Andraws. "The role of art in applying urban design theories using design systems". International Design Journal, 10, 1, 2020, 83-92. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81292
Andraws, F. (2020). 'The role of art in applying urban design theories using design systems', International Design Journal, 10(1), pp. 83-92. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81292
Andraws, F. The role of art in applying urban design theories using design systems. International Design Journal, 2020; 10(1): 83-92. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81292
The role of art in applying urban design theories using design systems
Lecturer, Decoration Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University
Design is an expression of (philosophical theory) throughopinion, doctrine or ideology, and is the product of the combination of science and art through the human queens: mind, conscience and money. If we take a look at the evolution of both science and technology associated with production; we see clearly that science is already an evolution of art. In this area, the theory means the background of knowledge of scientific theories associated with the field of design, both in terms of basic or applied sciences. Thedesigner isinterestedin scientific theory as most designs are basedon it.Andhe outputs aesthetic designsthrough histools ofcreativity andconfiguration, which means thecompositioncreatorof thealready existing elements. Becausedesign theory is an independent science, it is considered a general way of solving the problems ofurbancoordination and its elements withaestheticdesignsolutionsaddressed by the designer using design systems. Which isconsidered oneof themost important modern developments for science design, whether in practice or education, it is a transformation from aspecialist, which ismainly associated with theproduct to awider field.The research sheds lighton the adaptation of design systems that make it easy when clarifying the different guidelines and providing various components to work with any unified system for the purpose of decoration and urban coordination through the role of art. Design systems help ensure that everything works according to the organizational chart that was established based on the factors necessary for the environment of the urban design project, its purpose, and the audience for which the system was designed, and the art or civilization on which that design is based on, according to different considerations while achieving the aesthetic and functional role.The research points to thebasic idea behind thedesignsystems and the many benefits of their existence, itachieves aesthetic valuesand this is addressed by the environmental designer of decoration by applying theories of urban designand add themthrough art, as well astaking up insights on how to build a design system for each designed environment for more organized work, especially with large projects where things are more complicated.
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