Al-Khodary, B., Shehata, M., Sayoh, M. (2020). Interactive methods of newly originated techniques in the design of printed advertisements. International Design Journal, 10(2), 311-319. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81163
Basma Al-Khodary; Mohamed Shehata; Mai Sayoh. "Interactive methods of newly originated techniques in the design of printed advertisements". International Design Journal, 10, 2, 2020, 311-319. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81163
Al-Khodary, B., Shehata, M., Sayoh, M. (2020). 'Interactive methods of newly originated techniques in the design of printed advertisements', International Design Journal, 10(2), pp. 311-319. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81163
Al-Khodary, B., Shehata, M., Sayoh, M. Interactive methods of newly originated techniques in the design of printed advertisements. International Design Journal, 2020; 10(2): 311-319. doi: 10.21608/idj.2020.81163
Interactive methods of newly originated techniques in the design of printed advertisements
1PhD Researcher, Advertising Department, College of Applied Arts, Damietta University
2Professor Of Covers Design , ex- Head of Advertising Department , faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University
3Assistant Professor of Design , Advertising Department , Faculty of Applied Arts , Damietta University
Developed interactive techniques in the design of advertising prints are considered one of the means and activities used in advertising Field for announcing products and services in the modern era, as it is an accelerating era step, in order to satisfy desires and enjoy goods and services with minimal effort and in the fastest time, and the importance of using these interactive techniques and modern methods in designing advertising prints has increased Because it is a way to promote goods that have become available in large quantities and advanced qualities, which necessitates the employment of these interactive techniques in designing advertising prints in an effective way so that the recipient has the opportunity to interact with Institutions for their activities and with the content of advertising message. The research problem can be summarized in several questions that summarize how can benefit from modern interactive techniques in developing the form of advertising prints? , How does the use of interactive advertising prints deliver visual messages to clients? , What are the different types of developed techniques and their uses? The research aims to emphasize the importance of using developed interactive techniques in designing effective advertising and visual messages and delivering them to the recipient in an innovative and interactive way, where the different types of interactive techniques play a major role through their development over time, so the idea of using techniques to enrich the graphic elements is considered one of the most important main factors in the success of many advertising prints, as they become widely available at the present time and in various styles of advanced techniques to raise the level of designs and the general taste of the recipient. The study reached to the effectiveness of using developed interactive techniques in designing the forms of advertising prints and determining the nature of the relationship. between them, and the visual perception of design to achieve the persuasive role of advertising messages in the design of advertising prints, through the use of techniques that increase interactive factors, and stimulate the different senses in the design of advertising prints, so this makes it as a renewable resource for many creative ideas and increase the response factors of the recipient.
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