Elwan, N. (2024). A proposed design for a virtual exhibition for clothing and textile program exhibits. International Design Journal, 14(5), 551-565. doi: 10.21608/idj.2024.303100.1166
Nafesa Ahmad Elwan. "A proposed design for a virtual exhibition for clothing and textile program exhibits". International Design Journal, 14, 5, 2024, 551-565. doi: 10.21608/idj.2024.303100.1166
Elwan, N. (2024). 'A proposed design for a virtual exhibition for clothing and textile program exhibits', International Design Journal, 14(5), pp. 551-565. doi: 10.21608/idj.2024.303100.1166
Elwan, N. A proposed design for a virtual exhibition for clothing and textile program exhibits. International Design Journal, 2024; 14(5): 551-565. doi: 10.21608/idj.2024.303100.1166
A proposed design for a virtual exhibition for clothing and textile program exhibits
This research aims to use effectively modern information and communications technology in learning by preparing a proposed virtual exhibition for the exhibits of Clothing and Textile Program - Faculty of Home Economics - Al-Azhar University, this exhibition was evaluated by specialists in the field of clothing and textiles, the field of curricula and teaching methods, and the field of educational technology. Results showed the success of the proposed virtual exhibition as one of the methods for developing and updating academic curricula in a way that suits the requirements of modern age. One of the most important recommendations is to train female students to use virtual reality technologies in displaying their creative works, whether arts, clothing or textiles in order to enhance their skills in design and creativity. Establishing a design academy. Digital to activate virtual design and simulate elements and shapes, creating an Arab interactive display platform concerned with creating virtual exhibitions and sharing them locally and regionally, holding seminars and training programs for faculty members to explain virtual reality technology and how to benefit from it in the educational process.
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