Ayada, W., Ragab, D. (2024). The role of sonic logos in enhancing brand recall and recognition. International Design Journal, 14(2), 439-447. doi: 10.21608/idj.2024.340785
Wesam M. Ayada; Doaa Ahmed Mostafa Ragab. "The role of sonic logos in enhancing brand recall and recognition". International Design Journal, 14, 2, 2024, 439-447. doi: 10.21608/idj.2024.340785
Ayada, W., Ragab, D. (2024). 'The role of sonic logos in enhancing brand recall and recognition', International Design Journal, 14(2), pp. 439-447. doi: 10.21608/idj.2024.340785
Ayada, W., Ragab, D. The role of sonic logos in enhancing brand recall and recognition. International Design Journal, 2024; 14(2): 439-447. doi: 10.21608/idj.2024.340785
The role of sonic logos in enhancing brand recall and recognition
This study reviews the role of the sonic logo on brand recognition. The characteristics of a successful sonic logo are due to its importance in brand perception and the lack of interest in a role such as the visual logo, and because sound and music have a major role in influencing consumers’ emotions and memory and emotional attachment to the brand. The purpose of the research is to Identify the relationship between sound as a motivator in Sogo to keep the brand in the minds of consumers, Illustrate the reasons why the consumer attaches to the brand and Relate the importance of sound as a motivator to the brand. Methodology/approach: This research relies on a descriptive approach followed by an analytical study to describe and analyze sound in the sonic logo based on the theoretical framework of the research, and followed by a comparative approach to compare the vocal tones in the audio logo and the brands with each other by displaying some advertisements on focus groups to verify the results of the analytical study. Problem: Due to the increased exposure of consumers to more than one brand that provides the same service, it leads to a lack of recall and recognition of the brand.Through this research, we will try to find and answer the following questions: Do stimuli such as the sound in a sonic logo have an impact on consumers? Does sound as a motivator have a role in keeping the brand in the minds of consumers and their association with it? Does the Sonic logo add more value to the organization or brand than the traditional logo? Objectives: Identify the relationship between sound as a motivator in Sogo to keep the brand in the minds of consumers. Illustrate the reasons why the consumer attaches to the brand. Relate the importance of sound as a motivator to the brand. Hypothesis: The Sonic logo has a role in brand attachment. Sound as a stimulus has an influence on consumers' memory. The power of Sogo over the logo in influencing the memory and feelings of the recipients. ResearchImportance: Emphasizing the role of sound in Sonic Logos in enhancing brand recall and recognition. Directing companies' attention to using Sonic logos in the company's corporate identity. Methodology : This research relies on a descriptive approach followed by an analytical study to describe and analyze sound in the sonic logo based on the theoretical framework of the research, and followed by a comparative approach to compare the vocal tones in the audio logo and the brands with each other by displaying some advertisements on focus groups to verify the results of the analytical study. Findings: The use of sonic logos is instrumental in identifying the brand behind it. The sonic logo plays a major role in influencing consumers' memory and brand recognition. When the sonic logo was presented with the same melody but with the sounds of musical instruments changing, it led to a delay in the consumer's recognition. Having the sonic logo on the front helps consumers hear it and easily memorize and remember it. Originality/value: Emphasizing the role of sound in Sonic Logos in enhancing brand recall and recognition and directing companies' attention to using Sonic logos in the company's corporate identity.
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