Ewis, K., Ibrahim, M., Helal, Z. (2024). The role of digital technology in the production of 3D cinematic films. International Design Journal, 14(2), 455-461. doi: 10.21608/idj.2024.339510
Khalid Ewis; Majid Saeed Ibrahim; zeinab zenhom hassan زينهم Helal. "The role of digital technology in the production of 3D cinematic films". International Design Journal, 14, 2, 2024, 455-461. doi: 10.21608/idj.2024.339510
Ewis, K., Ibrahim, M., Helal, Z. (2024). 'The role of digital technology in the production of 3D cinematic films', International Design Journal, 14(2), pp. 455-461. doi: 10.21608/idj.2024.339510
Ewis, K., Ibrahim, M., Helal, Z. The role of digital technology in the production of 3D cinematic films. International Design Journal, 2024; 14(2): 455-461. doi: 10.21608/idj.2024.339510
The role of digital technology in the production of 3D cinematic films
1أستاذ بقسم الفوتوغرافيا والسينما والتليفزيون بکلية الفنون التطبيقية جامعة حلوان العميد السابق للمعهد العالي للفنون التطبيقية بالتجمع الخامس
2Lecturer in the Department of Photography, Cinema and Television, Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University
3College of Applied Arts
With the modern technological advancement of photography equipment, 3D films have become attractive to audiences. Filmmakers want to use this digital technology to create that distinctive modern cinematic experience with high accuracy and not just a movie that we can watch, and in order to give viewers the feeling as if they are inside the photographed work of art, which makes The viewer feels as if he is in a completely different world, and all the elements in the film appear as if they are much closer than they are in reality. The technology of 3D cinematic films has advanced significantly in recent years, as it has become of great importance. Many modern technological equipment have appeared for filming this type of film, which are available in cameras, lenses, screens, and film glasses. The goal here is one, which is to achieve a high-quality image, which Making it always in constant development to always achieve better results and more realistic images than before in a more easy way, in order to meet the viewer’s requirements.
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