Hassanein, A., Yousef, R. (2022). Artificial intelligence and its applications in the garment industry. International Design Journal, 12(3), 203-209. doi: 10.21608/idj.2022.234807
Amani Mustafa Abed Hassanein; Rasha Ali Hafez Yousef. "Artificial intelligence and its applications in the garment industry". International Design Journal, 12, 3, 2022, 203-209. doi: 10.21608/idj.2022.234807
Hassanein, A., Yousef, R. (2022). 'Artificial intelligence and its applications in the garment industry', International Design Journal, 12(3), pp. 203-209. doi: 10.21608/idj.2022.234807
Hassanein, A., Yousef, R. Artificial intelligence and its applications in the garment industry. International Design Journal, 2022; 12(3): 203-209. doi: 10.21608/idj.2022.234807
Artificial intelligence and its applications in the garment industry
1Assistant Professor of Garment Manufacturing, College of Designs, Qassim University, KSA
2Assistant professor of Garment Manufacturing, Fashion department, The higher institute of applied arts 6_October, A.Ismaiel@qu.edu.sa
3Assistant Professor of Garment manufacturing, fashion design Department, College of designs, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia
In coping with different business challenges, the apparel industry has witnessed various Big Data and artificial intelligence (AI) applications during the last decade. With the increasing demand for the personalization of goods and services that enhance their brand experience and satisfaction, supply chains managers in clothing firms continually pursue ways to develop their market strategies so that their companies benefit from speed and cost-efficiency. (AI) techniques that can be used at different stages of the apparel supply chain to improve business operations, (AI) techniques are used to develop data-driven solutions using product-related data furnished by apparel product manufacturers and designers, Big data assist in providing personalized offerings to customers through apparel ecommerce retailers. Objectives: The study aims to investigate whether apparel firms can improve their business operations by employing big data and (AI), and in so doing, seek significant data management opportunities using (AI) solutions. The methodology of this research follows the descriptive-analytical approach, Discussion: The study emphasizes the importance of big data and AI in the garment supply chain to determine whether apparel manufacturers could improve company operations using big data and (AI), as well as give opportunities with extensive data management using AI. It also goes over the existing literature on supply chains, big data, AI, and organizational theories in the context of big data, with the garment sector as the core focus. Recommendations: to incorporate other emerging digital technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, the internet of things, and block chain technology.
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