Mohamed, O., Zahran, A., Ryad, M. (2022). The Role of Industry 4.0 Technologies in Design Process Management. International Design Journal, 12(2), 299-310. doi: 10.21608/idj.2022.222665
Osama Yousef Mohamed; Ahmed Khaled Said Zahran; Mohamed Mohamed Ryad. "The Role of Industry 4.0 Technologies in Design Process Management". International Design Journal, 12, 2, 2022, 299-310. doi: 10.21608/idj.2022.222665
Mohamed, O., Zahran, A., Ryad, M. (2022). 'The Role of Industry 4.0 Technologies in Design Process Management', International Design Journal, 12(2), pp. 299-310. doi: 10.21608/idj.2022.222665
Mohamed, O., Zahran, A., Ryad, M. The Role of Industry 4.0 Technologies in Design Process Management. International Design Journal, 2022; 12(2): 299-310. doi: 10.21608/idj.2022.222665
The Role of Industry 4.0 Technologies in Design Process Management
1Professor of Industrial Design Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University
2Teaching Assistant, Product Design Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Badr University
3Associate Professor at Industrial Design Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University
4Product Design Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Badr University in Cairo,
Industry 4.0 term has been raised as a result of the continuous technological developments; which are represented in merging both of various advancements: Manufacturing Systems, Cyber-Physical System CPS, and IoT. These advancements caused a significant change in the design and manufacturing sectors and the widespread use of digital Technologies through converting production to a fully integrated, continuous, automated, and improved production system. The production system analyzes given data from the production processes on a real-time basis to Aide in accommodating the available resources, maintenance, and flexible production management through quick response to client needs while maintaining a well-developed control production process. Furthermore, these processes are linked to the design management process utilizing systemic activity, which identifies the processes by providing measurements, managing, evaluating, and improving them by using various systems, methods, and tools. Therefore, contributes to the overall design process management and creates a new added value in the whole design process and Manufacturing. Research Problem: As a result (Because) of the significant technological advancements that have occurred, the term "Industry 4.0" has emerged. Many industry enterprises have embraced these technologies to maintain their competitive advantages. We needed to investigate the impact of these technologies on the management of design processes in relevant industrial businesses. The competitiveness of these businesses has also improved, and staff at these institutions are more aware of the influence of technological advancements. The research problem is that it is widening the gap that has arisen because of the inability to recognize changes that have been brought about through industry 4.0 technologies in the design process management concept. This results in industrial businesses' incapacity to adapt to market changes, which aims to improve the industry's competitive advantage by enhancing the ability to integrate industry 4.0 advanced technologies in the design process management, as well as flexibility in coping with changes. Research Objectives: Reinforce the role of the advanced technologies of industry 4.0, and its impact on design process management by including various systems, methods, and tools in design process management, and achieving competitive advantage in the market to develop a better understanding of design process management in industrial enterprises. Importance of research: The significance of the research is to investigate the impact of advanced technologies of industry 4.0 on the design process management, as well as the resulting radical changes in all stages of the design and manufacturing processes. As a result, product designers will be more aware of design, and industrial enterprises will have a competitive advantage in markets. Research Methodology The research follows the Extrapolation method. Major Results: Based on an examination of Industry 4.0 conceptual framework and techniques, as well as the "Double Diamond" design management program, the researcher was able to determine the impact of Industry 4.0 technologies on design process management at the following points: • During the Fourth Industrial Revolution, smart factories and products emerged as a result of the development and application of digitization and new technologies in design and manufacturing. • To manage design processes, use unique controls, and improve solutions. • Integrate the tools and methods of Industry 4.0 into the design and manufacturing management principles. • The safe transition from current design process management methods to the use of Industry 4.0 techniques has resulted in the achievement of flexibility throughout the process, design, and manufacturing to meet the needs of customers and consumers in real-time. • The Industry 4.0 technologies enable businesses to respond more quickly to market changes, deliver more specialized products, and improve operational efficiency in a continuous improvement cycle. • The use of advanced technologies in the management of design and manufacturing processes for the Industry 4.0 is critical, as it will develop the design process in line with recent global trends. • The development of a double diamond methodology to manage design processes and integrate their stages with Industry 4.0 technologies. • To raise awareness among enterprises about the use of Industry 4.0 technologies to develop products that can compete in domestic and global markets.
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