Salman, A., Al Desouky, H., Elnassag, A. (2021). "The Economical Effects of Applying the 6-sigma Methodology for resolving Dyeing of Polyester Threads problems". International Design Journal, 11(4), 173-183. doi: 10.21608/idj.2021.180915
Ahmed Ali Mahmoud Salman; Heba Assem Al Desouky; Ahmed Refat Mawad Rizk Elnassag. ""The Economical Effects of Applying the 6-sigma Methodology for resolving Dyeing of Polyester Threads problems"". International Design Journal, 11, 4, 2021, 173-183. doi: 10.21608/idj.2021.180915
Salman, A., Al Desouky, H., Elnassag, A. (2021). '"The Economical Effects of Applying the 6-sigma Methodology for resolving Dyeing of Polyester Threads problems"', International Design Journal, 11(4), pp. 173-183. doi: 10.21608/idj.2021.180915
Salman, A., Al Desouky, H., Elnassag, A. "The Economical Effects of Applying the 6-sigma Methodology for resolving Dyeing of Polyester Threads problems". International Design Journal, 2021; 11(4): 173-183. doi: 10.21608/idj.2021.180915
"The Economical Effects of Applying the 6-sigma Methodology for resolving Dyeing of Polyester Threads problems"
1Prof. of Spinning, Weaving and Knitting, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University,
2Textile & Clothes, Faculty of Specific Education Ain Shams University.
3Teacher of Spinning, Weaving, Technical College at Matareya, Ministry of Higher Education
The research aims to study the effect of achieving one of the elements of Total Quality Management, 6-Sigma in some manufacturing problems and its effect on production, quality, marketing and sales for sewing, embroidery and crochet yarns. Among these problems - the effect of applying 6-Sigma on the correct dyeing of Spun Polyester yarn produced to reduce the cost, by conducting an experimental study An analysis of the effect of the effectiveness of the 6-Sigma system to measure, then improve and develop the deep problems of the company, such as the problem of re-dyeing several times to add increases in the components of the recipe to reach the desired color Dye Right first time, as 33% of the average production is for yarn Spun Polyester in the dyeing process has a difference in the degree of color from the color requested by the customer and that is equal to (218 average lots / month with a weight of 53635 / kg / month - for the year 2017, 2018 pre-study), which leads to the return of these lots with these huge quantities for re-dyeing Many times to adjust the level of color or convert it to a second degree due to the effect of the properties of the threads, which leads to extra cost and wasted profits, which were estimated in the two pre-study years at 14166153 pounds and this wasted profit and the extra cost were reduced to an average of 2402849 pounds after applying 6-Sigma system and improving the process, as well as the results showed the difference in the number of customer complaints before the study, was average is 14 complaints of color difference / year, and after the study, average became is 7 complaints of color difference / year, and results significant improvement in the properties of the polyester yarn samples under study (the strength of 2/42 polyester yarn sample before the study, where the average was 715 (CN), and after the study average results became 1024 (CN), the results showed a clear improvement in quantity re-dyeing polyester Yarn under study, the quantity before the study was 6436235 kg, and after applying 6-sigma and improving the process, the amount of re-dyeing became 109171 kg, and among the results that highlight the positive effect on the improvement in the performance of the process is number of rejected Cone Color by quality was 111654 / cone and after the study became 57598 / cone . Research problem: The problem of research is evident in the increased cost as a result of re-dyeing the dyeing process many times to obtain the color tone, and its effect on quality, production, customer complaints it is direction, and profits and big costs it is the other direction. Research Objectives: The main objective from this research is to solve the problem of re-dyeing many times to obtain the desired color, thus improving the quality, and high production rates and reducing the cost of re-dyeing process, which leads to an increase in the profitability of the threads companies (knitting, embroidery and crochet). Research Methodology: This research follows an analytical method. Results: The results were followed up for a year and a half, and was found that the rate of re-dyeing for the polyester yarn under study was reduced from an average of 33% years before Enforcement 6-sigma to an average of 6.7% after applying 6-sigma. Enforcement 6-Sigma system has improved the general work environment between all team in the company, defining responsibilities and authorities. Enforcement 6-Sigma lead to achieve the customer's requirements in receiving the order free of defects and in the required time without delay, as time saved that re-dyeing process in some colors it was 10 times and became Right dye from First Time. The application of 6-Sigma lead to a reduction in costs equal 23526608 pound for only one material Spun Polyester yarn, compared between before and after enforcement 6-Sigma System, and the improvement on problem of re-dyeing and thus increased the profitability and the possibility of reducing prices and competing strongly in the local and global market. Enforcement 6-Sigma leads to improving the inputs of the dyeing process, improving the recipe, eliminating re-process several times, and thus the possibility of increasing the productivity in many times.
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