Mohsen, A. (2021). The Asiri heritage-inspired for enriching the functional and aesthetic value in women's clothing designs.. International Design Journal, 11(2), 89-101. doi: 10.21608/idj.2021.151968
Abeer Abdullah Hassanein Mohsen. "The Asiri heritage-inspired for enriching the functional and aesthetic value in women's clothing designs.". International Design Journal, 11, 2, 2021, 89-101. doi: 10.21608/idj.2021.151968
Mohsen, A. (2021). 'The Asiri heritage-inspired for enriching the functional and aesthetic value in women's clothing designs.', International Design Journal, 11(2), pp. 89-101. doi: 10.21608/idj.2021.151968
Mohsen, A. The Asiri heritage-inspired for enriching the functional and aesthetic value in women's clothing designs.. International Design Journal, 2021; 11(2): 89-101. doi: 10.21608/idj.2021.151968
The Asiri heritage-inspired for enriching the functional and aesthetic value in women's clothing designs.
Assistant Professor, Department of Fashion, Faculty of Home Economics, University of Bisha
Fashion design sources are varied and varied, and the designer uses them to extract new and innovative ideas, and the innovative fashion designer can make his ideas from many sources and can make from all that sweet artistic masterpieces of his clothing, either by using the external lines of the source and turning them into lines for design or using different decorations and this It appears more in historical and heritage confiscation, or it is possible to use both external lines and motifs together to show the spirit of heritage and the problem of the current research is how to inspire modern designs that fit Saudi women from the Asiri heritage The research aims to study various forms of the Asiri heritage and prepare proposed designs in a modern and suitable way for women. The research assumes that there are statistically significant differences between the proposed designs in achieving the functional and aesthetic aspect of the design. The importance of research shows the extent of diversity in the sources of citation in fashion design and the ability to create innovative and modern designs. The research follows the historical descriptive and experimental approach to suit both approaches to the research One of the most important results of the research was the presence and statistically significant differences between the opinions of the arbitrators about the proposed designs, as the sixth design was an average of 100%, followed by the first, second, eighth and ninth designs with an average of 96.67%, and the eleventh design received the lowest ratings with an average of 66.67% and the most important recommendations are attention to heritage and historical sources as sources To design fashion in highlighting the national identity of peoples.
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