Aref, I. (2017). Mural decoration art and compatibility with natural environment and architectural constructions (An analytical study). International Design Journal, 7(1), 179-188. doi: 10.12816/0052319
Iman Ahmed Aref. "Mural decoration art and compatibility with natural environment and architectural constructions (An analytical study)". International Design Journal, 7, 1, 2017, 179-188. doi: 10.12816/0052319
Aref, I. (2017). 'Mural decoration art and compatibility with natural environment and architectural constructions (An analytical study)', International Design Journal, 7(1), pp. 179-188. doi: 10.12816/0052319
Aref, I. Mural decoration art and compatibility with natural environment and architectural constructions (An analytical study). International Design Journal, 2017; 7(1): 179-188. doi: 10.12816/0052319
Mural decoration art and compatibility with natural environment and architectural constructions (An analytical study)
Lecturer, Department of Art History - Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University
Wall dyeing and wall decoration is a traditional arts that reflects the culture, belief and civilization of society. Wall paintings that paint the walls of traditional buildings inside and outside spread to most of the villages of the ancient world, especially among the tribes since the beginning of the primitive ages (the art of caves) to this day. With the entry of Islam to some of these regions, these arts mixed with Islamic values and teachings, which resulted in distinct units and elements. Wall coverings of the houses of the Tihama Asir region, especially (the village of Rijal Al-Ma`) in the southwest of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, were distinguished by floral and geometric motifs of bright color, so they seemed to cover the wall surfaces, both interior and exterior, from roofs, floors, walls, and other architectural attachments as if they mimic the gardens of Aden as I mentioned in the Holy Quran, affected by With its geographic environment rich with plants and trees and the different geographical topography, which resulted in structural architectural patterns that were reflected in the art of Asiri decorative cat. This study aims to highlight the role of the Asirite woman in the development and enrichment of the mural arts and their compatibility with heritage architecture in the region, under the Islamic era at the end of the Ottoman rule (late nineteenth century AD), as an attempt to form a theoretical intellectual structure to preserve the heritage and the national character of the region, along with previous studies That dealt with the analysis of cat art as an inherited abstract body. Therefore, the study followed the analytical method and comprehensive survey to highlight the decorative elements of the mural and prove that the art of the Asiri cat is not only an abstract decorative art, it is also a flexible structural art that is affected by the surrounding environment and is closely related to environmental architecture, as one of the elements of the art of interior and exterior design that takes care of decorating the architectural space in terms of planning Spaces, their interconnection, harmony and harmony, using primitive tools and materials.
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