Abd El Aziz, Z., Haraz, A. (2017). An aesthetic vision to enrich university students clothing using Nubian symbols by means of canvas stitch motifs. International Design Journal, 7(1), 35-48. doi: 10.12816/0049410
Zainab Ahmed Abd El Aziz; Abeer Najib Said Haraz. "An aesthetic vision to enrich university students clothing using Nubian symbols by means of canvas stitch motifs". International Design Journal, 7, 1, 2017, 35-48. doi: 10.12816/0049410
Abd El Aziz, Z., Haraz, A. (2017). 'An aesthetic vision to enrich university students clothing using Nubian symbols by means of canvas stitch motifs', International Design Journal, 7(1), pp. 35-48. doi: 10.12816/0049410
Abd El Aziz, Z., Haraz, A. An aesthetic vision to enrich university students clothing using Nubian symbols by means of canvas stitch motifs. International Design Journal, 2017; 7(1): 35-48. doi: 10.12816/0049410
An aesthetic vision to enrich university students clothing using Nubian symbols by means of canvas stitch motifs
1Assistant professor of clothing and textiles, Faculty of Specific Education, Mansoura University, Egypt
2Lecturer, Textile and clothing, Faculty of Specific Education, Mansoura University, Egypt
The research seeks to take advantage of two enriching resources of honored Egyptian heritage, The first is the popular Nubian Heritage, which is one of the most important sources of artistic creativity and design. It represents one of the most popular traditions that emphasize our Egyptian identity, where this heritage is an important and influential value in the national heritage due to his simplicity, innate and dependence on the surrounding environment, and the maintaining of this popular tradition and re-drafted to keep pace with contemporary reality is the best way to confirm the specialty of culture. The second is the art of embroidery with canvas as it represents one of the old Fine Arts as history, which we find it does not take enough interest in the decoration of our clothes, despite what is distinguished by its ease of learning and implementation and beauty in shape and production, the problem of this research is in the blending Egyptian identity global influences that have become prevalent creativity to varying degrees, and the control of foreign schools of thought and break creative sprit stemming from the popular culture. This research aims to identify the aesthetic values of the symbolic indications of symbols of Nubian folklore, and to try to take an advantage of these aesthetic values in the development of decorative contemporary designs clothing collection to enrich the university students, the implementation of these designs as motifs by using canvas stitch.The Study followed a descriptive and analytical approach as a means of research. Advantage has been taken of the popular Nubian Heritage in the preparation of a range of designs with the Egyptian character and compatible with the contemporary trends of clothing university students, and its number is (15) The design is inspired by some of the art symbols Nubian They (the triangle - Crescent - Star – hand - veil - Palm - potted planting ), and implementing (7) designs, including in the form of motifs canvas stitch , then employ these motifs on (21) closing pieces of clothing university students, where he had been recruited each Motive three closing pieces cut in a variety of distributions, these motifs are characterized as moving can be installed and disassembled again and re-distributed to the same clothing or used to decorate clothing or some other supplements.A questionnaire has been prepared to assess these designs and apply it on (100) female students from the university. Approval of design as a whole of 86%: 97%, which is high ratios indicating the enthusiasm of the students on this design significantly,
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