El Gamal, G., Zaham, R., Abu Atiya, R. (2017). Balance and movement in building the printed textile design. International Design Journal, 7(2), 25-334. doi: 10.12816/0046549
Gehan Mohamed El Gamal; Radwan Radwan Ali Zaham; Ruqya al-Sayyid Abu Atiya. "Balance and movement in building the printed textile design". International Design Journal, 7, 2, 2017, 25-334. doi: 10.12816/0046549
El Gamal, G., Zaham, R., Abu Atiya, R. (2017). 'Balance and movement in building the printed textile design', International Design Journal, 7(2), pp. 25-334. doi: 10.12816/0046549
El Gamal, G., Zaham, R., Abu Atiya, R. Balance and movement in building the printed textile design. International Design Journal, 2017; 7(2): 25-334. doi: 10.12816/0046549
Balance and movement in building the printed textile design
1Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Textile Printing, Dyeing and Finishing, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University,
2Lecturer, Department of Decoration, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University
3Graphic designer, printing and publishing house
As an instinctive feeling inside us, Balance springs from man`s interaction with nature because of gravity. It is the equal distribution of elements on the sides of the visual center. Hence, the researcher will handle balance as one of the effective design foundations of motion. Moreover, balance promotes design from just being a solid object into an illusive , balanced one, creating motion into in. Balance is divided into three types : pivotal, radiant and illusive. The research will also handle illusive balance which causes inner motion in the design structure of the printed textile The current research aims to study balance as one of effective and vital and direct foundations in printed Textile design and achieve an interactive relationship between balance and movement in printed Textile design structure, the research problem is determined by the question how to achieve organizational relationship between the design elements through the achievement of balance and movement in printed Textile design ? Research depends on descriptive and analytical approach to describe and analysis of balance and movement through the necessary data collection and The study of types of balance and movement and the conclusion of their relationship and their role in tightening of the printed Textile design structure, and experimental method through the work of creative design experiments which achieved the role of balance and movement in tightening the design structure in the field of textile printing. Research Problem: How can achieving organizational relationship between the design elements through the achievement of balance and movement in printed Textile design? Objectives: 1- Studying balance as a one of the effective, vital and direct foundations of printed textile design. 2- Achieving an interactive relationship between balance and movement in printed textile design structure. Methodology: 1- Descriptive and analytical approach to describe and analysis of balance and movement through the necessary data collection and studying the types of balance and movement and the conclusion of their relationship and their role in tightening the printed Textile design structure 2- Experimental method through the work of creative design experiments which achieving the role of balance and movement in tightening the design structure in the field of textile printing. Results: 1- There is an interactive relationship between balance and movement as design foundations in printed design structure. 2- There is an interactive relationship between the organization of design elements and achieving balance and movement in design. 3- Achieving illusive balance in the design leads to tightening the design structure and achieving movement in design. 4- Benefit from color value and employment it in design in a way that achieves balance and inner movement in design.
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